Life, Love & Cupcakes 11.

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After we arrived at the campsite and put our bags into our cabin, Sam and I explored everywhere. In the centre of the camp was a large, modern building with a giant clock above the double front door. Inside the building, the auxiliary room was downstairs and the cafeteria was upstairs.

The auxiliary room had three normal walls and one clear glass wall. The glass wall looked out into the forest, at a large obstacle course and a slow river a few hundred metres away. Inside the room was a small stage with tons of cords and electrical equipment, a large cupboard full of lights and microphones, and a barred-off area containing a huge stereo system. It was the perfect room for budding celebrities, I noticed.

The cafeteria wasn't as big as the auxiliary room, but it was filled with just as much stuff. There were ten or so long tables that could seat eight people each, shelves along the back wall overflowing with napkins, cutlery and cups, and a small kitchen-like area near the door with a fridge, sink and a well-stocked vending machine. Just like in the auxiliary room, the wall facing the river was glass.

After checking out the rest of the building, Sam and I went down to the river. It was mostly ground level, but a bit further uphill, there were some rocks that looked perfect for jumping off.

"Dare you to jump in," Sam grinned.

"Are you kidding?!" I cried. "I think I'm cold enough already!"

"The water's warm," Sam smiled.

I looked at him in astonishment. "How can you be so sure? You haven't even touched it."

He sighed and strolled down closer to the water. After dipping in a finger, he looked at me and repeated, "The water's warm."

I gave him a long look, then moved next to him and slowly put the tip of my finger into the water. It was definitely warm.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. I was confused for a minute, but I realized the water must have just felt warm because the air was so freezing out here.

"Wanna go swimming?" Sam suddenly asked me, and I looked at him in shock.

"Now?" I gasped. "But...we don't even have swimmers!" Sam's wide grin returned, and I knew exactly what he had in mind. He stood up and kicked off his shoes and socks, then stripped out of his thick parka and tee shirt.

"You have GOT to be kidding me," I breathed. "What if the water's dirty? And the current looks pretty strong."

Sam looked upstream and pointed to a calmer part of the river surrounded by large rocks. "There," he announced, and he started to walk towards it. I didn't know what to do, so I just followed him.

"Are you sure about this?" I squeaked. "I mean, what if there's piranhas, or crocodiles, or...there could be sharp rocks-"

Sam spun around and grabbed my shoulders. "Rebekah," he said, almost hypnotically, and I immediately felt calm. "Trust me."

I couldn't say anything. He was right; I just needed to trust him. "Okay," I finally whispered. He smiled and started to walk back up to the rocks. Just as he was about to jump in, I noticed he was still wearing his black jeans. They were going to get drenched!

"Wait!" I called to him, and he froze. He looked at me in confusion. "Aren't you going to take off your pants?" I asked him, and immediately regretted it.

He gave me an amused grin and simply said, "Alright. I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

I felt my cheeks go warm. They almost felt like they were burning, since it was so cold. "That's not...what I meant," I said quietly. I could hear the embarrassment in my voice.

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