Life, Love & Cupcakes 10.

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"Are you sure you'll have enough underwear?"

"Yes, Mum," I groaned. That was the fourth time she'd asked me that question today.

"Alright, dear. I just don't want you running out halfway through the camp and having to recycle." She walked to my bed and started to fold up the clothes that were sprawled all over it.

"Eww!" I cried, throwing one of my pairs of shorts at her. "Seriously, Mum, you've made me pack seven pairs of undies."

"You can never be too safe," she replied.

I let out a sigh. "The camp is only three days long, Mum..."

She smiled and repeated, "You can never be too safe."

I laughed and began folding up my clothes as well. I had packed everything I needed for the drama camp; casual clothes, costumes, pajamas, swimmers, and underwear (of course).

"What's this?" Mum asked. She was holding up a black silk dress I had bought a few weeks ago on my shopping trip with Ellie. It was thigh-length with cute spaghetti straps, and was decorated with lace on the low neckline.

I cringed. I was hoping I could sneak that in without her noticing. "A costume," I lied. "For one of the drama students."

"Oh, really?" Mum asked, taking a closer look at the dress. "It looks a bit showy for a first year to wear."

I shrugged. "The girl who wants it is a little bit..." I struggled to find a word that Mum wouldn't tell me off for.

"I get it," Mum said quickly. "Well, I guess I believe you. Only because I know you wouldn't be caught dead wearing silk." She gave me a big grin.

"Yeah, you're right," I lied. It was so difficult to lie to Mum, but I didn't really want her to know about my true intentions for the dress.

She folded it up carefully, put it into the costumes bag I had set aside, and continued to fold my other clothes. We folded in silence for a little while before Mum held up my two large cans of hair spray. She gave me a confused look.

I smiled and shrugged. "You can never be too safe," I quoted. Mum poked her tongue at me and shoved the cans back into my suitcase. I laughed and put the last of my clothes into the suitcase as well.

"Are you sure you have enough-"

"YES, Mum. I'm sure." I gestured to the large pile of underwear. "Does that look like not enough undies to you? Wait, don't answer that," I added, seeing she was about to say no.

She closed her mouth and smiled. "Okay, honey. Can you pack the rest by yourself?"

I nodded. "I just need to put in my toiletries tomorrow morning. I'll be fine." I lifted up the suitcase and placed it on the floor next to my large window.

"Alright, then," Mum said happily. "You're going to have so much fun!" She pulled me into a tight hug.

"Yeah, I know, Mum," I laughed. I suddenly thought of how lonely she was going to be, and I sighed. "I love you. Cupcakes will keep you company."

"Oh! That reminds me!" Mum pulled away and looked at me with wide eyes. "Your teacher phoned. That David guy. He wants to know if you can bring Cupcakes along with you."

I looked at her, confused. "How does Mr Buckle even know I have a dog?" Suspicious, stalker-related thoughts came rushing into my mind, but Mum quickly cleared up my worry.

"I told him, a week or so ago," she said breezily. "He phoned up and said you'd been acting a bit strange at school that day, and was wondering if anything unusual had happened at home."

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