Life, Love & Cupcakes 12.

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Lunch consisted of bread rolls, croissants and pieces of fruit. I wasn't very hungry, so I just grabbed an apple. I looked around for Sam, and found him sitting at a table near the back of the cafeteria, surrounded by five swooning thirteen year olds. I laughed quietly and skipped over to the table. When I got there, Sam's exhausted face lit up, and he moved over to make room for me.

"Hey, guys," I said sweetly. "It's good to see you're keeping my boyfriend company." I looked at him and pinched his cheeks. "You get lonely easily, don't you?" I grinned mischievously, and Sam cringed.

The girls giggled, and one of them asked kindly, "How long have you two been going out?"

"Oh, forever," I sighed. "In fact...hey, Sam? Remember when we got told off by that grumpy caveman for making out in public?"

"Ah, yes. Those were the days." Sam sighed dramatically. "Wasn't that before cars were invented?"

"And phones," I nodded, noticing one of the girls was on her mobile phone. She looked up when she realized I was looking at her. Her long blonde hair had been curled perfectly, and her neat make up looked like it had done by a professional. I'd love to see how long that would last on this camp.

"Really?" A girl on the other side of the table asked. As soon as I saw her, I recognized her as Tim's little sister, Melanee.

"Oh, yeah," I said dramatically. "We've been together since the world began."

Mel's mouth dropped open. "No way," she gasped.

"Yes way," Sam told her seriously. "Maybe even longer." I was amazed that he could keep a straight face.

"But you're only seventeen," Mel said, shocked.

"Nah, we're just joking around," Sam laughed. I laughed too, and so did all the girls. Except Melanee.

"You're joking about being seventeen?" She exclaimed. She turned to me and examined my face closely. "Okay, so I need to know; what anti-aging cream do you use? Coz I swear I have a wrinkle, and I'll need to-"

"Melanee, you loser," the blonde girl laughed. "He means they're joking about being together for so long."

"Oh..." Mel said, startled. "'ve never met a caveman, then?" We all burst into fits of laughter. Mel gave us confused looks, but eventually joined in. We kept laughing for ages, until one of the teachers, Miss Potts, came over to us and frowned.

"This is a cafeteria, not a circus," she said matter-of-factly. "Please stop trying to attract attention to yourselves."

A brunette girl with straight hair and freckles, who was sitting next to Mel, scoffed and said, "Please, Potts. Just because the only attention you'd ever get would be in a zoo." Sam and I nearly stopped breathing in shock, but the other girls just giggled casually.

Miss Potts' face turned red. "Juliette, you just earned yourself clean up duty after lunch. For the whole table." The girls just shrugged and continued eating. Something told me we were sitting with the rebels of the class, since nothing seemed to scare or upset them.

Miss Potts turned to Sam and I and smiled. "You two can be excused from cleaning up, though, since I'm sure you had nothing to do with this."

Sam shook his head. "Unfortunately, we did." That was so typical of Sam, to be too honest.

"Oh," Miss Potts gasped. "Well, I'm sure you don't have to clean up anyway." I could tell she was just trying to get on Sam's good side. That's what everyone did.

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