Life, Love & Cupcakes 2.

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I left a note next to the cupcakes reading 'DO NOT TOUCH! Please.' Hopefully that would keep my little brother, Adam, away.

I took Sam's cupcake into the loungeroom and sat down on the sofa. Some weird French cooking show was on tv, but I wasn't really paying attention. I started eating the cupcake in small pieces, savouring every bite.

After 20 minutes, I'd finished eating, so I finally decided to change the tv channel to little kids' cartoons. They'd always been my guilty pleasure.

"Rebekah?" A voice called from the doorway. I turned to see my mum, all dressed up. She must have been going out for dinner. "Ah, there you are. I just wanted to tell you that your father and I- What on Earth is that on your shirt?!"

I looked down at my black singlet and saw the dried up remains of the earlier frosting war. I had to admit, the pale yellow splats did look pretty suspicious.

"Mum, it's just frosting!" I laughed. I stood up and walked past her into the hallway. After turning a few corners, I reached the bathroom.

Mum sighed in relief. "Phew! You had me worried there, Rebekah. You know I like Samuel, but that doesn't mean I would approve of you two-"

"WHOA!! Mum!" I cried, holding my hands over my ears dramatically. "Seriously?!"

Mum put her hands up in defense. "Okay, okay! You can't blame me for being worried, though! I mean, most girls your age have at least-"


"I'm just saying, I've heard all these stories about teenagers-"


"Alright, alright. Just make sure you use protection if you ever-"


Mum grimaced and hastily left the room. Before she was gone completely, however, she looked back at me and said, "Your father and I are going to Ricardo's for dinner. We'll be back by twelve. Can you look after Adam?"

I sighed, glad we had finished with the earlier topic of conversation. "Sure, Mum. Have fun." She gave me one last smile, then fully exited. After a few seconds, I heard her walk out the front door with Dad.

I looked up at the clock. 7:30. Adam would be going to bed in half an hour, and then I would be free as a bird for four hours. I could tell tonight was gonna be great!


It took me ages to get Adam into bed. He insisted that we play 37 rounds of hide and seek, and by the time he was finally worn out enough to collapse into bed, I was nearly tired enough to call it a night as well.

It took all of my strength to avoid my bed when I walked into my room. I distracted myself by grabbing my Donald Duck pajamas and heading for the shower.

After some thought, I decided to use the upstairs bathroom. (Our house had two floors; the top floor consisted of our bedrooms, one bathroom and our study, and the bottom floor had the other bathroom and everything else.)

I looked in the mirror and took my long brown hair out of the ponytail it had been in all day. I had straightened it last night, so it was easy to see all the crusty frosting in it from this afternoon. Yuck! I would have to take revenge on Sam for that later.

I skipped combing my hair, since I was afraid the comb would gather clumps of yellow frosting, and stepped straight into the shower.

By the time my shower was finished, it was 9:30. I still had a few more hours of freedom before Mum and Dad got home.

My hairdryer had a habit of leaving me with terrible split ends, so I decided to let my hair dry naturally. My loose, gentle waves were pretty cool anyway.

When I got back to my room, I turned on my tv and sat on my comfy bed, careful not to lie down and doze off. The first channel I turned to was airing the local news, so I sat back and half-listened to what the reporters were saying.

"...And we're joined by Matthew Barnes, the CEO of Red Day Cinemas," a petite, blonde woman was saying. "Thank you for speaking to us, Matthew."

"My pleasure, Amy," a chubby man in expensive clothes replied. "And I must say, you look simply wonderful tonight."

Amy blushed. "Aww, Matthew. You've always been the perfect ladies' man."

I groaned. "And I just vomited in my mouth." I quickly changed the channel to some cheesy reality show called 'World's Ditziest Housewives.'

Before long, I was completely engrossed in the show. Who knew Paula was cheating on Mike with Garth, while Hannah was cheating on Garth with Ken? It was so dramatic.

Soon my hair had dried, and I absentmindedly laid back on my bed. In the whirlwind of all the housewife chaos and heartbreak, I didn't even notice when I fell asleep and started to dream about cheating on Sam...

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