Life, Love & Cupcakes 21.

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It was hard to keep a hold on my emotions when I saw Sam. He didn't hear us walk in at first, so I just stared at him as he fiddled with the strings of the guitar.

Like me, he had decided to wear more appropriate clothes for the warm weather. He was wearing a loose white tank top I'd never seen before, but I definitely recognised his multicoloured board shorts. I'd seen them MANY times before. His brown hair looked messy, like he hadn't tended to it yet today, but it still looked great. HE looked great.

All I wanted to do was stare at him, to forget the events of this morning and pretend he was my Sam, but Mr Buckle cut my moment short.

"Ah, Samuel. You're here," he grinned.

Sam looked up, and I immediately looked away, afraid he'd see me staring. He didn't look at me, though; his friendly smile was only for Mr Buckle.

"Of course," he replied. The more I watched him, the more I realised something; even though we were in the same room, with only one other person, he still managed to ignore me. His actions in the cafeteria definitely hadn't been unintentional.

"Well, should we start setting up?" Mr Buckle asked, directing the question at me.

"Sure," I smiled. I snuck a quick look at Sam, to see if he'd acknowledge me now that I was the centre of Mr Buckle's attention. Annoyingly, he didn't. He just continued tuning his guitar.

"Excellent," Mr Buckle grinned. I was beginning to think that was his favourite word. "Care to join us, Sam?"

"I think I'd rather just stay here, if that's okay." He didn't even look away from the guitar. Typical. "I haven't quite finished with this yet."

"That's fine," Mr Buckle nodded. "Let's go, Bek. This shouldn't take too long with both of us."

I nodded and started to follow him, but then turned around when I heard the front door open. I laughed when I saw Cupcakes trying to push his way through the door.

I walked over to help him, and once he was in, I led him towards the auxiliary room downstairs. We were only halfway across the front room, however, when Sam suddenly perked up and let out a gorgeous laugh.

"Hey, Cupcakes!" He grinned, beckoning the puppy to come to him. Of course, Cupcakes knew Sam almost as well as he knew me, so he didn't hesitate to run over and say hello.

I watched as the two of them mucked around together, jealousy stinging my chest. Eventually, I couldn't stand to watch them any longer, so I turned on my heels and almost ran downstairs. Luckily, Mr Buckle was the only other person in the auxiliary room, so I didn't have to worry about explaining my bad mood to anyone.

I was definitely not upset anymore. Sure, it killed me to know that Sam was ignoring me, but I was over being sad about it. Instead, a new emotion weaved it's way through my thoughts and took over: anger.

Mr Buckle asked me to set up a video camera near the glass wall, so someone could record the workshops. It was a task that didn't require much thinking, so I let my mind wander elsewhere while I worked.

How could Sam ignore me so easily, and not even care? Sure, what happened this morning had been terrible, but it was nothing we couldn't talk through to fix. Obviously, we had both just been tired, and we weren't ourselves. Right?

Also, ignoring me was such a childish move on his part. What kind of seventeen year old did that? Especially to his girlfriend? It all seemed very petty to me.

The more I thought about Sam, the more furious I became. A small voice in my head whispered that I shouldn't be getting this angry, but I told it to shut up. I could be as angry as I wanted.

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