Life, Love & Cupcakes 16.

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When we returned to the main building, it was nearly dark, and we could hear loud music being played in the auxiliary room.

"What's going on?" I asked Sam, who had his fingers intwined with mine.

"I'm not sure," he smiled, "but it sounds like fun! Let's see if we can find someone we know."

We walked into the building and down to the large room, where people were dancing underneath colored lights and a brilliant disco ball. After a few seconds of searching through the crowd, we managed to find Loz and Poppie, dancing near the glass wall.

"What's this?!" I asked them, pointing to the lights and scene around us. I had to shout to be heard over the pounding beats of the music.

"What do you think?!" Poppie grinned. "We got bored up in the cafeteria, so we threw a party!"

"A party?" Sam asked, looking around. He nodded in approval. "Nice!"

"Thanks!" Loz shouted. "Oh, Bek! Belle was looking for you before!"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "She was?!"

"Yeah," Loz nodded, "she said she needed to talk to you about something!"

I felt my stomach twist. Oh no. What if she'd somehow found out about my dad? That would NOT be good.

"Where is she?!" I asked, looking around. Since Sam and I were taller than most of the juniors, I could easily see over their heads.

"She was near the speakers when I last saw her!" Poppie shouted. I said a quick thanks, then turned to make my way through the crowd. Sam followed me for a few metres, but then he walked over to where some boys were breakdancing.

After pushing through what felt like hundreds of people, I came out of the crowd and saw Belle sitting against the wall. Despite the darkness in this part of the room, I could just see someone sitting next to her.

"Bek!" She grinned when she saw me. She jumped up and ran over to where I was standing, then gave me a tight hug. "Enjoy your nap?!" Since we were so close to the speakers here, it was almost impossible to hear her.

It took me a while to understand what she meant. "Oh, ha ha! Very funny!" I said sarcastically.

She grinned and turned to look at her friend, who was still sitting against the wall, and she gestured for them to come over. I couldn't make out their features completely, but I could tell it was a guy. He strode over smoothly and slid his arm around Belle's waist.

"Do you want to go somewhere quieter?!" Belle shouted, and I nodded. She smiled and started to move through the crowd of people. We walked over to the glass wall, and through a glass door onto a balcony overlooking the forest floor. There were a few lamps on the side of the building that were sending light our way. When we shut the door behind us, the music was immediately muffled.

"Bek, this is Dimitri," Belle smiled, gesturing to the boy next to her. Now that it was lighter, I could see him more clearly. He had styled, dark hair, full lips, and wore stylish clothes. I could tell that he was from another country, maybe somewhere in Asia, but from his slightly tanned skin and big green eyes, it wasn't very easy to distinguish his origins.

"Hey," I smiled at him, not knowing what to expect in return.

When he spoke, his voice surprised me; he had a thick English accent. "Hello," he replied politely, "it's nice to meet you."

"You too," I smiled. I turned to face Belle again. "So...are you guys going out?"

"Yeah," Belle laughed, and Dimitri chuckled.

Life, Love & Cupcakes (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now