Life, Love & Cupcakes 28.

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Once we reached my room, Sam leapt onto my bed and snuggled into the thick, colourful blankets I used to stay warm every night. "Mmm, I love your bed," he sighed, closing his eyes and rubbing his face against my pillows.

"That's...kind of weird," I laughed, shutting my bedroom door behind me and switching on the light. I walked over to my dressing table and started to slide off the bracelets on my wrists. When Sam heard them clinking together, he looked up in interest.

"When'd you get them?" He asked, rolling over onto his back and propping himself up on one elbow.

"Poppie got them for me," I smiled, looking at the various bangles and bands happily. "She wanted me to remember her after I graduated."

"She knows we're not actually leaving school yet, right?" Sam furrowed his brow in confusion. "We've still got one year left. The graduation was just for people who are leaving to get jobs."

"I know that," I nodded, slipping off the last bracelet. "Poppie...doesn't." I gave him a sheepish grin. "I didn't want to burst her bubble."

"Oh, how kind of you," he swooned, pursing his lips and tilting his head. "Anyway," he laughed, sitting up. "I DO love your bed. But you know what would make it even better?"

I looked at him suspiciously. "What?"

"You," he said sweetly. To add to the effect, he patted the blankets next to him invitingly.

"Oh, that's corny," I chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"Please?" He clasped his hands together and started to beg, even wobbling his bottom lip in the process.

"Okay, okay!" I laughed. "Just let me get changed, yeah?" I liked my floral dress, but after wearing it all day, my body was begging for something more comfortable.

"Only if you put on something cute," he said cheesily.

I laughed and walked over to my drawers. "I'll see what I can find." I searched through the clothes frantically, not wanting to waste one minute of my time with Sam. After grabbing a few random items, I shut the drawers and ran into the bathroom.

After I had locked the door, I laid out my chosen clothes on the sink and examined them carefully. "Crap," I muttered under my breath. Instead of picking up a tee shirt and shorts like I had planned to, I had picked up an oversized, woolen grey jumper and a pair of faded, peach-coloured leg warmers. "Crap," I repeated. "No pants."

"Hurry up, Bekky!" Sam called to me from the bedroom. "I'm getting old here!"

"I-I'm coming!" I squeaked, pulling off my dress. I yanked the jumper over my head and sprinted to the mirror, almost slipping on a small puddle of water on the way. "You look so plain," I whispered to my reflection, slapping my hand to my forehead. I grabbed the leg warmers and slipped them on, then pushed them down so they folded and wrinkled up around my ankles. "Better, but still boring," I groaned. After another quick look in the mirror, I decided to improvise the rest of the outfit. I yanked my hair out of the neat bun I had put it in this morning, and ran my fingers through it so it waved messily down to my stomach. When I dropped the hair tie onto the sink, I noticed something else attached to it: a long peach-coloured ribbon.

"I forgot about that!" I whispered excitedly. In a flash, I wrapped it across my forehead and around my head, and knotted the ends so it stayed in place. I looked back in the mirror, and, at last, I liked what I saw. Even thought it was still a bit plain, my new 'headband' gave it a hippie-ish feel, which I loved. Next, I adjusted the jumper so it covered my upper thighs. Even though I was comfortable with the outfit, I still didn't want to expose too much of my body.

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