Life, Love & Cupcakes 17.

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I woke up feeling extremely disorientated and strange. To make matters worse, Cupcakes decided to act as my personal alarm clock and lick my face to wake me up. Who taught him how to do that?!

I groaned and rolled over, trying to get away from the hyper puppy. It didn't work. When I finally had the idea to sit up so he couldn't reach my face, Sam had woken up. It took my eyes a while to adjust to the darkness, since the sun hadn't even risen yet, but I could see his chest shaking with quiet laughter.

"Shut up," I grumbled. I picked up one of my pillows and threw it at him.

"Whoa! Chill out, Bek," he laughed, skillfully dodging it.

"How am I supposed to chill out when you're being so mean?!" I folded my arms grumpily and scowled at him.

"Wow," Sam breathed. "I always knew you were a grump early in the morning, but I'd never seen it for myself. It's actually kind of...scary." He grinned in amusement.

"Whatever," I mumbled. I focussed my gaze on the cabin door. It looked horrid in the dim light, with peeling paint the colour of swamp water, but I didn't want to look at Sam.

"Oh, so we're going to play this game? Alright then." I heard him get out of his bed and walk across the room. He sat on the end of my bed, blocking my view of the door, and I closed my eyes stubbornly. "Now, are you going to look at me by yourself, or will I have to help you?"

"You can't make me look at you," I said matter-of-factly. "If you touch my eyes, I'll sue you for assault." I wouldn't actually, but I was angry enough to say anything at the moment.

"Oh?" Sam asked. I could hear his sly smile in his voice. Then, suddenly, everything went quiet. I couldn't even hear him breathing, and when I reached out in front of me to feel where he had been sitting, nothing was there.

I opened one eye to look at the clock on the wall, and I realised it was only 5:00. "Far out," I groaned, laying back down on my pillow. Cupcakes, who had been sitting quietly next to me while Sam and I were talking, came to lie next to me. I put my arm over him gently, as if he was a teddy bear, and shut my eyes once again.

After what felt like an hour, I still wasn't asleep. I sighed and looked at the clock once more. 5:10. "Dang it!" I exclaimed, lying back down and squishing my pillow over my face. I felt Cupcakes stir a little, but it didn't last for long. Well, at least HE could get to sleep.

I conjured up the image of a fence in my mind, and soon, cute little sheep started jumping over it one by one. One, two, I counted inwardly. Three, four.

I felt something moving on my stomach, tickling me gently, and I shot up immediately. I looked down at my shirt, but nothing was there. I shook my head in annoyance and laid down again. The sheep returned, and I continued to count them while they jumped over the fence. Five, six, seven.

There it was again! That same tickling feeling, except it was stronger this time. My eyes flung open, and I searched around for anything that might have been causing the feeling. It couldn't have been Cupcakes, since my arm was on top of him and I didn't feel him move. I looked over at Sam's bed, expecting for him to not be there, but he was. He was facing away from me, towards the wall, but I could tell from his deep breaths that he was asleep.

I groaned and lowered myself back down again. Instead of shutting my eyes, though, I kept them slightly open. That way, I would be able to see if the stomach-tickling culprit returned.

Minutes passed, and I felt my eyes starting to go heavy. I let them close, and the sheep appeared once again. Eight, nine, ten...eleven...twelve...

Life, Love & Cupcakes (Rewritten)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora