Life, Love & Cupcakes 3.

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I woke up in shock, breathing heavily and covered in a layer of sweat. I couldn't remember exactly what my dream- nightmare -had been, but it was terrible. Visions came back to me of lying in bed with Sam. He had his arms wrapped around me...but when I lifted up my head to kiss him, it wasn't Sam. It was an older man, who I'd never seen before. His face was hidden in the shadows, but I still knew he wasn't someone I should be in bed with. The scary thing was, though, even though I knew it was another man, I didn't care. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to feel his strong arms around me, to lie with him...

I sat up quickly and kicked off my blankets. My tv was still turned on, and a curvy blonde woman was whining about her alcohol not being strong enough.

I growled under my breath, grabbed the remote from my bedside table, and practically punched the power button. The tv screen quickly went black, as did the rest of my room.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Looking at the digital clock on my table, I noticed it was 4:00. Well, I definitely wasn't going to get back to sleep tonight.

I got out of bed and walked out of my room. As I'd hoped, no lights were on downstairs, so no one else was awake.

I flicked the light switch in the dining room and crept over to my cupcakes. I had covered them all before putting Adam to bed, so they still looked nice and fresh.

My next two hours were spent putting the cakes into cute little baskets and decorating them with purple bows. There were 23 baskets all up when I was done, each carrying ten cupcakes. Well, except for one that only had nine.

It took me a while to remember that Sam had taken one of the cupcakes and given it to me the day before. I scowled, angry that I didn't tell him off. Or at least make an extra cupcake in case this happened.

"Oh well," I whispered to myself. Some unfortunate granny would just have to get one less cupcake than everyone else. Not that she'd notice, of course.

I laughed quietly and started to cover the baskets with cling wrap. By the time I was done, the sun was up and my parents were making their way downstairs.

"It's the bake sale today, right?" Dad asked, grabbing a banana from our fruit bowl and tossing it to me casually. I caught it smoothly and began to peel it.

"Sure is," I smiled. I loved my dad. We had always gotten along, with our friendly, carefree attitudes.

"Should be fun," he chuckled, taking another banana from the bowl for himself.

"Yup," I agreed. "Hey, I'm pretty sure Miss Green is going to be there." I gave him a cheeky wink.

Miss Green was my music teacher, and boy was she pretty. Her cropped hair was strawberry blonde, and she wore the most amazing clothes; I swear she had a never-ending wardrobe.

She was also 24, about half my dad's age. That didn't stop him from liking her, though. He never hid his odd schoolboy crush for her, even when my mum was around. Surprisingly, though, I didn't mind. I knew it was just a joke, and would soon blow over; kind of like my crush on Johnny Depp when I was twelve.

"Oh really?" Dad put on his best thinking face. "Maybe I should come along."

I laughed. "What, and scare all the old people with your bad jokes? Sorry, Dad, I don't think so."

Dad shrugged and smiled. "It was worth a try, right?"

I nodded and gestured to the cupcakes. "Do you think we could start loading these into your car? I need to be at the nursing home by nine."

"Of course. You know my coat in the cupboard near the front door? My keys should be in one of the pockets."

I nodded and thanked him, then grabbed three baskets of cupcakes. When I had found his coat, I reached into one of the pockets. The keys! I pulled them out, and a small piece of paper fell onto the floor.

I managed to control myself for a few seconds, but my curiousity quickly got the better of me, and I snuck a look at the paper. It had a phone number scribbled on it, as well as some x's and o's. Before Dad could see what had happened, I put the note back into the coat pocket and rushed out the front door.

The next few minutes rushed past in a blur. My body was packing baskets into the car, but my mind was focused on a completely different matter.

Whose number had that been? It wasn't Mum's, that's for sure. Could it be one of Dad's workmates? No, they definitely wouldn't add hugs and kisses.

What was going on?

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