Life, Love & Cupcakes 25.

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"Why do you keep doing that?"

I looked at Sam in confusion. Even though he was watching the road, I could tell his attention was on me. "Doing what?"

"You keep touching your lips," he said with a frown. "You've been doing it ever since we left camp."

Realising he was right, I took my hand away from my mouth and planted it firmly on my lap. Even though it had been a good hour or so since we left the car park, I still couldn't stop thinking about my kiss with David. Strangely, I found I could still feel his lips on mine every so often, and I would subconsciously bring my fingers to my lips in an attempt to prolong the feeling. I hadn't thought Sam would notice, though.

When he realised I wasn't talking, Sam hesitantly asked, "Is it because of...him? Did you...did you LIKE it when he kissed you?" Before I could say anything, though, he shook his head. "Wait, I'm sorry. That was rude. I saw what happened."

I furrowed my brow, confused by his words. "What? What do you mean?"

He bit his lip. "I saw what happened. How he kissed you, and you were shocked. I shouldn't have thought you would enjoy that...I mean...I'm sorry..."

My jaw dropped open, and it took all of my strength to close it before Sam noticed. I was completely shocked. Somehow, Sam hadn't seen me return David's kiss. He didn't know that I had feelings for David. In Sam's eyes, I was basically innocent.

"Wait," he frowned. "You didn't enjoy it, right?"

"Of course not," I lied without thinking. As soon as I had said the words, I regretted them, but it was too late now. Sam looked genuinely happy at my answer, and, for some selfish, stupid reason, I didn't want to change that.

"I knew it!" He grinned. "I knew you still loved me!" He let out a relieved sigh. I didn't share his relief, though. Instead, I felt myself scowl at him.

"What is your problem?!" I shouted, giving him a shock. He swerved the car slightly, and it took him a while to regain his control of the steering wheel.

"What?!" He gasped. "Where did that come from?!"

"Just this afternoon, you were telling me you didn't care about me!" I snapped. "And now, here you are, acting like we're still okay? What is with you?! You're being such a jerk!"

Suddenly, Sam hit the brakes and pulled over. He turned to face me. "Out of the car. Now."

My scowl disappeared, and my stomach filled with worry. "You''re kicking me out?"

"No," he said firmly, unbuckling his seatbelt. He opened his door and quickly got out of the car, and I hesitated before doing the same thing. By the time I had shut my door behind me, he was already walking into the deep forest. I turned and looked at Cupcakes through the window, and saw that he was sleeping peacefully on the seat. Not many cars came down this road, and we'd sat bowls of food and water on the floor; he would be okay.

I spun around and started to follow Sam through the trees. The ground wasn't very level, and I nearly tripped over a few large tree roots and rocks. Sam, however, walked with a strange kind of elegance, and I had to run a few times to keep up with him.

Finally, he stopped at a thick, tall tree with hundreds of outstretched roots. He looked around for a minute, before heading towards a large, moss-covered rock at the tree's base. He planted his palms on the rock's surface, then smoothly pushed himself up onto it. Once he was sitting comfortably, he looked at me. "Are you going to come and sit, or is my Sunshine still angry?"

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