Life, Love & Cupcakes 4.

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When Dad drove me to the nursing home, I couldn't bring myself to ask about the phone number. I just made small talk, telling him about my day with Sam and our frosting war.

The nursing home was crowded with people, young and old. I quickly spotted Miss Green and rushed over to her.

"Miss Green," I smiled when I reached her. "I've got the cupcakes." She grinned and let me lead her to Dad's car. "There's two hundred and thir- twenty-nine," I told her.

When she saw the basket on the front seat, her grin grew wider. "Amazing. Thank you so much, Bek."

"It's alright, I love helping out." I watched as Miss Green called over some unhappy-looking football players from school and ordered them to take the cupcakes to a large table in the centre of the bake sale.  

 "And TRY to look happy, boys," she added. "Remember, you're doing this for extra credit." The boys put on forced grins and began unloading the baskets from the car.

"So, where's your mother?" Miss Green asked. I was amazed she'd even think of my Mum, when she must have been so stressed from the bake sale.

"At home," I answered. "She's looking after my brother."

"Oh really?" She asked slowly. I noticed her looking at the basket on the front seat again.

"Yeah," I said, confused. "He's only five, so he can't stay at home alone."

"Right, right," Miss Green nodded. She muttered a quick goodbye, then rushed off to the cupcake table.

After a few seconds, I opened the car door and looked at Dad. He had an odd look on his face. "You can go now, you know," I said carefully. "All the cupcakes have been taken up to the stall."

Dad looked at me and nodded quickly. "Cool. Well I'll, uh, pick you up later. Text me."

"Will do. Bye." I shut the door and waved as Dad drove away.

I stood still for a minute or two, just thinking. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought Dad was staring at Miss Green as she walked away before. And I would have thought Miss Green was deliberately trying to show off in front off him.

"Hmm," I mused. "Good thing I know better."

I sighed and walked back towards the tables.


I had only been working at the cupcake stall for a few minutes when someone wrapped their arms around my waist. I smiled immediately. "Hey, Sam."

Sam kissed me on the cheek. "Hello, gorgeous. How did you know it was me?"

I giggled. "You have the nicest smelling aftershave in the world. You think I can't recognize it?"

I turned around to face him, and my grin spread much wider.

Sam's brown hair looked blonde in the bright sunlight, and his blue eyes seemed to sparkle. He was wearing grey jeans and a light blue top that hugged his fit body.

"And you say I'M gorgeous," I chuckled. Sam gave me a cheeky grin and pulled me into a kiss.

Our romantic moment was interrupted by a grumpy senior who was demanding cupcakes. I smiled apologetically and turned back around. "How can I help you, sir?" I asked.

"Well, for starters, you can stop fussing about with that fella of yours and sell me some cupcakes."

I was about to reply when Sam spoke up behind me.

"Excuse me, Mister..." Sam looked at the old man's name tag. "...Mister Bateman. I wonder if these cupcakes would seem as desirable to you, if I told you Rebekah and I were fussing about while she was making them?"

My mouth fell open and I stared at Sam in disbelief. "SAM!"

Mr Bateman looked nearly as shocked as I was. "Well, I'll be darned! What is this world coming to?!" He shook his fist at Sam and I angrily and stormed off as fast as his thin legs would allow.

Sam burst out laughing. I tried to maintain my anger, but gave up, and started to laugh as well.

"You know," I said, catching my breath, "You just lost me a sale. That's bad, considering the money goes to charity."

Sam chuckled. "Someone else will buy your cupcakes. Trust me."

I opened my mouth to protest, but he added, "And don't worry, I won't help you this time."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, that's what you call it? HELPING?"

"Yes, actually. Well, I did help you. I got rid of that rude old man, and now we can continue where we left off."

I smiled. "Okay, I suppose I forgive you." I brought my lips back up to his.

Life, Love & Cupcakes (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now