6. Unicorn Tears

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"My baby boy is going on his very first date!" Aelsa declared kissing his cheek.

"Dont make a big deal about it." Atticus whispered blushing to himself.

"Im sorry. This is just exciting. Olli any women catching your eye?" Aelsa questioned.

"I'm focused on my career right now." Ollivander corrected. Aelsa nodded.

"I understand that." Aelsa agreed. "And im glad."

"Im nervous." Atticus remarked as Aelsa fixed his hair and the collar of his shirt.

"Dont be nervous. You are perfect. She would be lucky to spend some time alone with you." Aelsa assured.

"What if she changes her mind?"

"Odds are she will. You are eight. Fall in love offen my sweet boy until you find the right one." Aelsa suggested.

"Or die alone like me." Alaric added.

"Alaric," aelsa scoulded.

"Its not like this date will be the turning point in your life. If you succeed your life could be growing great you get all the ladies everyone loved you. if you fail however..," alaric shrugged. Aelsa swatted a hand back at him.

"Are you saying if I dont ace this date I could end up alone like you?" Atticus questioned horror on his face.

"Rude. But yeah. Lets go with that." Alaric agreed.

"Monster!" Aelsa declared shoving alaric aside. "Baby just have fun. Dont put any pressure on yourself. This is for fun and getting to know a nice young lady."

"We are going to a puppet show." Atticus remarked.

"Lovely." Aelsa agreed.

"He does know he is eight and we are following him in his date so he doesnt get mugged or abducted... right?" Larys whispered.

"Let him pretend hes a big man." Aelsa countered.

"Bye..." atticus waved back at them. Aelsa blew him a two handed kiss.

"He looks nervous

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"He looks nervous." Larys remarked.

"Were you nervous on your first date with mum?" Ollivander questioned.

"We didnt really have a first date." Aelsa countered.

"No? Then how did you know you loved him?" Ollivander countered. Aelsa stared back at Larys.

"I asked him to marry me and he said yes." Aelsa offered with a shrug. "Then we quickly concieved you."

"How?" lila questioned. "Did you pray really hard?"

"Praying with your pants off." Alaric chuckled.

"Why would you do that?" Lila questioned.

"Gods alaric." Aelsa declared laughing out.

"You started it!" Alaric countered.

"You are such siblings." Larys remarked.


"Im going to die alone." That was alarics assessment after Atticus came home with a goofy smile and gushing about his new girlfriend.

"You still got me." Lila corrected.

"Alright bed time for everyone!" Aelsa instructed sending them off to bed. "You too Alaric."

"I'm not a child." Alaric countered.

"You live under my roof you get a bed time." Aelsa mused kissing his cheek.

"Night, Aels." Alaric agreed.

Larys smiled pulling Aelsa into him, she turned her cheek looking him over. Larys pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

"Our baby boy is growing up." Aelsa whispered reaching a hand around and giving his leg a squeeze.

"He's going to be a ladies man, they are all going to be lining up like I'm sure all the men did with you." Larys agreed.

"Not all the men." Aelsa assured. "Just most of them."

"Just most of them." Larys agreed breathing her in.

"You know how much easier our lives would be if our children were more like you and less like me?"

"I'm trying to decide if thats a compliment or not." Larys countered.

"I'm trouble." Aelsa clarified.

"And I'm not?" Larys countered. Aelsa rolled over to face him. She brought a hand to his cheek.

"Honey, I love you but you are the good guy. Thats good, i like my good guy. I had enough trouble making bad boys in the past, all girls go through that phase but the good guy wins out in the end." Aelsa assured.

"As long as I always win out in the end." Larys agreed.

"You do." Aelsa agreed. "Goodnight."


"Good morning," Aelsa sung out the next morning.

"Mama look what daddy gave me." Lila declared holding up a little vial.

"What is it?" Aelsa questioned resting her hands on her thighs.

"Daddy." Lila instructed waving a hand back at Larys. Larys's lips twisted trying to hold back a smile.

"Tears of a unicorn." Larys answered. Aelsa held it up and the water did sparkle a little bit. Larys winked back at her.

"Okay we all know unicorns are real but you are telling me someone found one bottled their tears?" Lila questioned shaking her head.  "That's far fetched."

"Your father is a very determined man." Aelsa offered. "I would know."

"Daddy, you wouldnt lie to me right?" Lila questioned.

"I just remembered I promised to do something with someone right now and I'm very late." Larys decided. "I love you-" He pressed a kiss to the top of Amelia's head instead of answering. "And I really love you," he kissed aelsa and she smiled into him.

"Mama is it real?" Lila questioned reaching back for it.

"What do unicorn tears do?" Aelsa questioned. Lila stared down at the vial.

"I dont know." She admitted. "Maybe they make you immortal!"

"Could be, could be... what else?" Aelsa questioned pulling LIla into her arms.

"Healing properties!" Lila offered.

"Wow, you have been studying with Olli?"

"Yeah." she agreed. "He tells me all the fun facts."

"Fun facts are the best. WHat else? What could unicorn tears do?"

"Make you find love!" Lila declared. "I'm going to give it to Alaric and he can find his true love!" She jumped up.

"Wow, you are the best girl in the world." Aelsa agreed. Lila giggled back at her.

"Can you help me write a letter to daddy telling him thank you for the unicorn tears?" Lila questioned.

"I can." Aelsa agreed. "Thats a great idea."

Bad Idea Right? / Otto Hightower / Larys Strong (2)Where stories live. Discover now