5. Alone

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I Can See You / Gendry Waters out now!

"That was excellent!" Harwin declared clasping a hand on Atticus shoulder. "Well done."

"Thanks uncle Harwin." Atticus answered. "Mum did you see?" Aelsa waved a hand from her balcony. "Mum!" Atticus called out louder. "Did you see me?"

"I see you."  Aelsa answered.

"No did you see me? Im going to do it again. Keep watching!" Atticus demanded.

"Im watching!" Aelsa agreed.

"You have good boys." Viserys remarked fondly.

"I do." Aelsa agreed. "Now Dont distract me Viserys." She swatted a playful hand at him. "I will get in trouble with Atticus."

"Right right sorry." Viserys chuckled.

"Hi ladies have you met my uncle Alaric? Hes the best. Like really the best!" Lila declared. The ladies ooh'd over Lila. Alaric smiled sitting he was more confident.

"Hi Alaric and who might you be sweetheart?"

"Lila Rose Strong at your service!" Lila declared with her very best curtsy.

"Strong you say? I didn't know Ser Harwin was married."

"Shes cute enough to be his." Another woman said. Alaric hated that they were standing right in front of him and gushing over Harwin. They didn't notice alaric limp off. Lila was telling the ladies about her sparkly red dress spinning around happily.

"My uncle alaric looks great in Red!" Lila added. "Uncle alaric?"

"I hate your brother." Alaric decided.

"Join the club." Larys mused. "What did he do?"

"It doesnt matter that hes fucking the princess. He could get away with murder. But us-" alaric scoffed. "We would be hung out to dry before the body ever hit the ground."

"The women." Larys realized.

"Yeah. Lila was trying to be my wing woman but," alaric shrugged slumping back. "She tried really hard too."

"Hard to compete with mr muscled. Break bones himself." Larys agreed.

"How did you and aelsa do it?" Alaric questioned miserably. Larys glanced back at Aelsa.

"I was her friend first." Larys offered. "Weaseled my way into her heart I suppose."

"Thats not helpful." Alaric countered.

"I dont know how to explain it. I bonded with her when she was falling for someone else-"

"Otto." Alaric cut in before he could stop himself. Larys gave a tight nod. "Sorry."

"I got Aelsa in the end. There is nothing to be sorry about." Larys assured. "You are a good man. Handsome too. You are great with the kids. Someone is going to see how wonderful you are."

"Thanks larys... I just wish I didnt have to wait. I wish shenwould just appear and say Alaric Im the girl of your dreams!"

"Alaric im really sorry Im not a better wing woman." Lila said coming up behind them. She grabbed Larys hand leaning into his good leg.

"Peanut you were great. Those girls were rotten." Alaric assured.

"They were rotten. They didnt care about my shoes." She lifted her dress to reveal her feet. "They sparkle too. They didnt even care." Lila declared throughly annoyed.

"Those monsters." Alaric declared.

"Right!" Lila agreed. "Its okay though. Next one will be better. Hey daddy?"

"Hey baby." Larys answered.

"I want a little brother you think you can do that?" Lila questioned. Larys chuckled.

"You dont a sister?" Larys countered.

"Heck no!" Lila declared. "Im the little princess and there is not room for another!" She assured him. "But a little brother I could pretend is a doll. Carry around and dress up-"

"You want a real doll instead?" Larys countered. Lila looked to her hands usually a lion or snow leopard firmly grasped in her hand. She gasped turning around.

"One of those sparkle hating monsters stole my lion!" Lila deduced.

"You didnt bring your lion this morning Li," alaric corrected. She gasped again.

"One of those sparkle hating monsters stole my snow leop-"

"Lila you didnt bring either when we left." Alaric laughed out. Another dramatic gasp.

"She is just like Aelsa." Alaric decided.

"Daddy we have to go home. Mr Lion and Leo are going to be starving without their mid day snack! And all the snuggles they need to make up for me leaving them!" Lila exclaimed pulling Larys hand.

"I will bring Atticus home when hes done." Alaric offered.

"Thank you. Hey, maybe miss right is right around the corner." larys offered.

"Dad wait!" Atticus shouted running up to them.

"We are in a hurry Atti. I left Mr lion and Leo at home. Alone!" Lila declared. Atticus blinked back at her.  "Alone." She repeated for emphasis "you know the kind of trouble they can get into!"

"They are stuffies so im hoping none." Atticus countered. "Dad! This is important."

"And my leo and my lion are not?" Lila demanded.

"Go on atticus. Whats that smile for?" Larys questioned. Atticus' smile widened he glanced back at a girl in the courtyard as she gsve him a little wave.

"I got a date." Atticus remarked proudly.

"Fucking hells," alaric grumbled. "Im going to die alone."

"You know who else is alone?" Lila sassed tugging larys hand. "Mr. Lion and Leo. Alone! Alone I tell you."

Bad Idea Right? / Otto Hightower / Larys Strong (2)Where stories live. Discover now