20. Neighbors

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The next fortnight was an adjustment. The king had collapsed again and Aemond was still healing from his attack but there had been no word from Rhaenyra or Daemon so Aelsa considered it a win. 

Aelsa offered Ollivander a desk in her office and said Otto could share with Ollivander when they were working on something together. Otto hoped it was her way of keeping him close, not just her son. Ollivander loved working with Otto. He was getting some coin himself for his work which Aelsa reminded him would be good for him to know how to save and spend his money wisely. 

They were walking back from the castle together and Otto expected Ollivander and Aelsa to veer off but they took the same route as him. 

"You live..." Otto stopped himself. 

"Close." Aelsa answered innocently. 

"We are neighbors." Otto realized. 

Aelsa shrugged

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Aelsa shrugged. 

"I liked the view." Aelsa informed him. "It's a nice place for the kids to grow up. Room to run..." Otto nodded slowly. Aelsa sent Ollivander off, telling him to make sure Larys was fixing supper for them. "I didnt realize that you..." Otto met her gaze she followed him to where the trail veered off to where his home could be seen. "You didn't sell it?"

'I had hoped that you would want it..." otto remarked

"Too many memories here. Need to start fresh." Aelsa countered.  He nodded his agreement. There were a lot of memories here.

"New memories to make with the lord strong." Otto agreed stiffly.

"Yes," she breathed back

"Well," he cleared his throat. "It seems your... Your house isn't too far from here in case if..." he didn't know in case if. He wanted her back in his bed back in his arms, but he couldn't expect that after all this time. Yet here she was. Staring back at him.

"It's a beautiful house. I'm glad you did not sell it." Aelsa informed him.

"I had hoped you change your mind." Otto admitted. 

"I hoped you would come back." she countered.

"I did," he agreed. Aelsas face pinched. 

"10 years too late."

"Yes, after all this time I was still on your mind you wanted me back, my dear-" he reached out and touched her cheek. "If you had moved on, you would not have reached out. You wouldn't have cared."

"Of course I care. Otto you are a huge part of my life, even if you were only in it for a couple of years. I missed you. I wanted you back. I wanted to tell you to come back and stop being a big baby." Aelsa demanded.  Otto chuckled.

"I forgot how much I missed your attitude." he admitted

"I bet you did," she agreed.

"There's so many things I missed about you about being back working with you. You could brought the capital back to life. And now my heart, for it has been broken. . . just looking at you feels like it's mending itself back together."

Aelsa stared back at him a long silence moment, the light breeze rustling the leaves of the trees, the crickets sung their songs. Aelsa felt her heart breaking, maybe this was a bad idea. She turned back around without another word. Otto waited until she was out of sight before whispering into the starry night.

"I still love you."

Bad Idea Right? / Otto Hightower / Larys Strong (2)Where stories live. Discover now