15. In My Grave

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"Excuse me I have a feeling my father is about to give Harwin a talk." Larys chuckled kissing Aelsas cheek.

"And you want to gloat?" Aelsa mused as he headed off. Larys winked back at her.

''It fills me with unrelenting shame.' Lyonel remarked.

''So that's what this is about then? Your shame.'' Harwin countered

''Our shame, Harwin!'' Lyonel shouted back. ''Shame on the whole of House Strong.''

''Because I laid my hands on that insufferable Cole, the son of a steward?'' Harwin countered

''He is a Knight of the Kingsguard now, a defender of the crown.'' Lyonel corrected through an exasperated breath. Larys was loving this. As if the realms didnt already know that harwin was the fuck up- the heir but still the fuck up- of house Strong.

''He assailed Prince Jacaerys, the future heir to the throne.'' they were both shouting to no avail, Harwin was going to protect his sons. Larys knew that if he were the punchy type he would have done worse to protect his own boys if insulted. But larys was more cunning than Harwin. He had to be to survive.

''You have laid us open to accusations of an uglier treachery.'' Lyonel spat

''And what treachery is that?'' Harwin countered annoyed. Larys chuckled stepping forward. "Bite me." Harwin growled.

"Aelsa wouldnt like that." Larys mused.

''Don't play the fool with me, boy. Your intimacy with the Princess Rhaenyra is an offense that would mean exile and death... for you, for her, for the children!'' Lyonel reminded him sternly.

''It is rumor only... spun by the Princess's rivals'' Harwin hissed.

''People have eyes, boy. Yet His Grace the King, it seems, will not accept what his eyes see. This flimsy shield alone stands between you and the headsman." Lyonel told him ''The willful blindness of a father towards his child.''

''I wish my father affected a similar blindness.'' Harwin hissed.

"Ohhh really?" Larys countered.

''Have I not these many years? And yet today, you publicly assaulted a Knight of the Kingsguard in the, in the defense of your...''

''You have your honor and I have mine.'' Harwin told him solemnly.

"What honor Harwin?" Larys questioned. "You beat ser cole to the ground. He is not only kings guard but he is the queen and my wife the hands friend." Larys reminded him. "You best hang up your cloaks now there will be retribution and redemption..."


''Laenor has written. Rhaenyra has delivered another son.'' Laena said as she approached Daemon in the tower.

'Does your brother mention if this one also bears a marked but entirely coincidental resemblance to the Commander of the City Watch?'' Daemon said with a chuckle

''He seems to have left that detail out.'' Laena said softly as she sat next to him.

''Mm.'' Daemon agreed, everyone knew of Laenor's activities. It was no shock Rhaenyra's children were black of hair.

''I miss my brother, Daemon. As I think do you." Laena offered

''I miss Westerosi strong wine. It could be depended on for a few hours of peaceful oblivion. This amber shit that they drink here.'' Daemon countered spilling his wine as he got up.

''Do you never long for home?''

After such excitement in the courtyard, it was hard to focus during the council meeting. After the first half an hour, all she could hear is blah blah blah. She referred to her notes remembering yes she did have a job to do. Yes things still need to get done.

Bad Idea Right? / Otto Hightower / Larys Strong (2)Where stories live. Discover now