Chapter 4

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[Felix's POV]

I'm in the airplane on my way to Seoul. My dream is finally coming out: living in Korea where all my friends live and building up a dancing career.

Of course, I'm going to miss my family, but this is my dream. Chan suggested that I could live with him, since he has a quite big place, and I accepted it right away. That way I can already connect with one of my friends.

I visit Korea a lot, every holiday I go to there to meet up with my friends and visit some places, and I'm finally going to live there!

The plane lands at our destiny and I'm back in Korea.

I walk out of the airport, being greeted by Chan, Changbin, and Jisung. I smile and wave at them. They walk up to me and we have a group hug with the four of us.

"I'm so happy you're finally going to live here! We can do so many things together now," Chan exclaims happily.

Chan and I are friends for over a decade now. We've been friends since I was 5 and he was 8, when he still lived in Australia. Because of Chan I know the others, who became friends with Chan in Korea. He's also the reason I started learning Korean.

We let go of each other and I don't fail to notice Jisung's cuts on his face. I grow worried. "How did you get those cuts, are you okay?"

Jisung looks down and I see the smiles from the three boys fade away. "It's kind of a difficult situation," Chan explains. I nod my head, understanding, and put a smile on my face again.

"Anyways, let's go! I'm so excited!" I drag the three guys with me to Chan's car and we're on our way to his house.

"Just for the record, these two now also live with me temporary, they will tell you why when they feel comfortable with it." I nod and look out of the window again.

After not a really long drive we arrive at Chan's place. I don't know how he does it, but he managed to live in a mansion. I guess being a producer makes a lot of money.

I get out of the car and Chan helps me with my stuff. I'm talking with Jisung about some video game that just came out to get his mind off of whatever happened to him.

Chan shows me my room and leaves the room again to start making dinner. I open my suitcase and start arranging the wardrobe and the room to my liking.

Once I'm done, I walk back down and join Changbin and Jisung on the couch who were watching some show on the tv.

"Dinner's done!" Chan yells from the kitchen and Jisung flinches a little next to me. I look at him to see if he's okay, but he shoots me a smile, which looks forced. I smile back and we make our way to the dinning table.

We're eating and talking at the dinning table, when we hear some noises outside. I look up to look out of the window, seeing some figures standing outside.

Chan notices it as well and gets up to walk to the front door.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I hear Chan say to the people outside. Changbin and Jisung stand up to walk after Chan and I follow their actions.

Once I stand at the front door, I see Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin outside, arguing. I smile once I see my three other friends and walk up to them to give them a hug.

"Hey guys!" I exclaim excitedly. They seem to be happy seeing me, but confused to see the other two standing at Chan's house as well.

"Now tell me, why are you two here?" Jeongin says after breaking off the hug with me.

I notice Kkami at Hyunjin's feet and I bow down to him, petting his head and playing with him.

"I ran away from home since my parents don't care about me and I was sick of it, you?" Seungmin answers.

Wow, I seriously don't know everything that is happening here.

"My parents sort of kicked me out? They said I need to move into a dorm, but I don't want to," Jeongin answers. We all turn our attention to Hyunjin.

"Same. Well, my parents kicked me out because I spend their money too much." I roll my eyes at him. "Asshole."

Chan's phone starts ringing and he takes it out, accepting the call. "Hello? What? I- You- What?  But my house is kinda full now- He hung up the call." Chan wants to put his phone away but then sees he got a text message.

"You texted me?" he asks Jeongin. He nods 'yes'. "I did but who was that?"

Chan sighs and puts his phone away. "Minho. He's coming here as well and he's taking his cats with him." I squeal in excitement. "He has cats? I want to meet them!"

After five minutes hearing Chan argue with the three guys in front of the house, Minho walks up to us with a suitcase and three cat boxes. (a/n That's what it's called?)

I run up to him and take two boxes from him. He gives me a smile. "Thank you."

We walk to the six others who also notice Minho's presence. "Oh, you actually brought your cats with you?" Chan asks the latter.

He and I put down the cats. "Yeah, aren't animals allowed, then? I see Hyunjin has his dog with him as well- wait what are you all doing here as well?"

"Probably the same reason you are here. What happened to you?" Hyunjin asks. Minho sighs. "My parents treat me like a toddler and they don't allow me to go out after eleven. I do so every time so they kicked me out."

Chan scoffs. "You're in the same boat as Hyunjin, then. Well, Seungmin can stay. But you three, it's kind of you own fault and I don't know what to do with your asses."

"We can help with the rent if that helps," Hyunjin suggested. You can see he regretted saying that the second the words come out of his mouth.

Chan saw the opportunity and smirks. "Okay then. You three will help me the most with the rent. The others as well."

"Hey, don't bring me into this," Minho complains. Chan doesn't give in and looks at the latter.

"Pay the rent or find your own place. Next time I need to pay rent, which is in two weeks, you guys will help."

"Fair enough," Jisung says. When he says that, a dog comes out of the house, running up to Kkami.


"Oh yeah, now we have five pets. Maybe it's better Berry stays with my parents in Australia." Chan sighs and goes back inside.

"People have to share rooms, though!" he calls out to us.

"Well, who wants to be my roommate, then?"

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