Chapter 14

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[Hyunjin's POV]

I'm working in the art gallery behind the counter. Usually, I help around the shop, but today, I'm scheduled to take in the money.

The store is pretty popular in Seoul, so we have a lot of customers through the day. There are also groups of girls who come around mutliple times a day and try to get a conversation going with me, but I try to ignore them as much as possible.

Today is no such other day. Two girls are holding the line up by talking to me. I sigh and call the boss.

"But when are you free? I would love to know you better," one of the girls says. I tap my foot on the ground, anxiously waiting for my boss to come.

After exactly 38 seconds, the middle-aged guy finally walks up to the girls and politely asks them to go. After 3 attempts, the duo finally gives in and leaves the shop with faces down.

"I'm sorry about all these group of girls, boss," I apologize and bow. He chuckles and rests a hand on my shoulder. "It's not your fault. Just keep telling me when this happens, okay?" He smiles and leaves into the shop.


After a long day, I'm in the subway again, going back to my home.

It's kind of weird to call Chan's place mine now, but I'm getting used to it. The pets all love the extra attention and already feel comfortable.

We live with the eight of us for just over a month now. To be honest, we have had some fights and disagreements, but a lot less than I thought.

In the meantime, I'm outside the subway and walk the rest of the way back with my music on.

My parents have reached out to me only twice, what surprises me. I don't know if they have been busy or they really didn't want to talk to their only-child.

Every time I walk from the subway to Chan's house, I walk past the street I used to live, where my parents still live. And every time, I think of it.

I stop walking and look into the street. The kids playing around the playground, the couples walking by, the people working in their yards.

Something in me tells me to walk up to my old house and see if my parents are home. To be honest, I'm quite dedicated to know how they are and what they're up to. So that's why I change direction and walk into the street, going straight up to my parents' house.

I reach the front door and start to think.

Is this really a good idea?

Should I just go back?

Do they want to see me?

But something in me says I have to talk to them. They're my parents, after all. That's when I ring the bell.

No going back now.

After some seconds, the door swings open and I see the startled face of my mom.

It takes a good five seconds before she moves and makes space for me to come in. "Come in, Hyunjin." I nod and walk past her, into the familiar hallway.

"Honey," I hear my dad call out of the living room, "who's there?" I walk into the room where I heard my dad talk and he turns to me, the same expression on his face as my mom's.

"Hey, my son, what took you here?" My mom walks into the room and stands behind me. I stay in place and take a hand through my hair. "My feet."

My dad chuckles and gets up from the couch. "It's good to have you back." He gives me a hug. I don't know what to do, but decide to just hug him back, since this is the first time I've seen him and my mom in over a month.

My dad breaks off the hug and takes a good look at me. He looks me up and down and back to my face. He smiles and give me a pat on my shoulder.

"Don't think I'm going to live with you again now I'm here, I just wanted to visit," I explain, before they are going to get something in their heads.

My mom walks in front of me with a smile and gives me a hug. "We get that, honey. We're just glad to finally see you again." My mom copy-pastes my dad's actions and smiles at me. "Now tell us, where have you been staying and how is your new life?"

I walk to the couch and sit down. My parents follow my movements and sit next to me. "I've been staying with Chan hyung. I have a job at the art gallery in the city and get good money to pay the rent and to take care of myself. I'm doing quite good now," I explain. My parents smile at me.

"Well, you don't live on your own," my dad starts, "but I'm still proud of you to take care of your business. Is it nice to live with one of your friends?"

I chuckle and play with my ring. "Well, we live with eight now. Everyone had some issues at home and Chan allowed us to stay with him for at least the time being."

My parents look at each other. I don't know what that means, but my worries are calmed when I see them both smile a little. My mom turns back to me again. "I'm happy you guys take care and help each other. You're all really close, so I'm sure it's all going fine there."

That's when my phone starts ringing. I get it out of my pocket and see Chan's ID. I get up from the couch and tell my parents I'll be right back.

"Hey Chan hyung."

"Hey Hyunjin, where are you? You should've been back by now but you're not here."

"Don't worry, I'm at my parents'."

"Oh, thank god. Now since that Felix incident I'm just a little stressed when someone is not back by the usual timing."

"I get it, I'm sorry. I'll tell you next time I'm home a little later. I'll be home in a few minutes."

"Okay, how's it going with your parents?"

"Better than expected. They're really supportive, actually."

"Good. Well, see you in a bit."

"Bye." I hang up the phone and walk back into the living room where my parents are still sitting in the same position.

"I have to go. It was nice catching up, I'll make sure to talk and see you guys more often from now on."

My mom gets up and smiles at me. "You do that. I'll walk you to the front door."

I open the door and smile at my mom. "I'll see you later. I love you." My mom gives me a quick hug. "I love you too. Be safe!"

I smile and walk away from the house and walk back to where my friends and I live.

A succeeded visit to my parents.

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