Chapter 21

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[Felix's POV]

I had a short work day today, which means I was allowed to leave the JYP building around 7:30 pm. Seungmin has already gone home by now, so I have to go back on my own.

I don't mind, though, I kinda like just listening to music and look outside the window, watching the snow fall out of the sky.

Today is the first actual winter day and I'm loving it. Snow everywhere, kids creating their own snowmans, the dark evenings, and of course, hiding under a blanket on the couch, which I'm dying to do now.

The train reaches its destination and I stand up, walking to the door closest to my seat. The doors open and I walk out the vehicle, entering the train station. I walk my way out and walk the rest of the way back home, which isn't a long walk.

While walking, I pass by families enjoying the whiteness all around us, families inside the houses, drinking hot choco, couples walking through the snow, and just friends hanging out. I smile when I pass all of them and reach my destination.

I walk in the house and hear music coming from the living room. I hang up my coat, kick off my shoes, and walk towards the music.

Chan and Changbin are producing a song together on Chan's laptop. The youngest of the two is doing some stuff on the device and the older watches him doing his job. Next to them are Minho and Hyunjin, playing and cuddling with the cats. I see Kkami and Bbama sleeping next to them, enjoying the warmth of the underfloor heater the house owns. 

Jeongin and Seungmin just walk in from the kitchen with hot choco for eight and place it on the table before the couch. Then, they sit on the couch and the oldest of the two grabs the remote, looking through the channels on the television.

Hyunjin notices me and let's just say, he doesn't look very happy. I chuckle and sit on the ground next to the duo, patting Doongi. "What? Did Dori bite you or something? Or doesn't Kkami give you enough love for your liking?" I ask the older, playfully, and Minho giggles.

"No, we need to pay the rent again," he answers and groans dramatically after. "Well, you have to pay it monthly. What did you expect?" I ask but Hyunjin doesn't answer me, making me laugh.

"What time is Jisung coming back home?" the youngest asks and Chan shrugs. "He told me somewhere in the evening. He has his shift in the cinema now." 

Changbin leans back on the couch and looks at the laptop in front of him. "Why doesn't he want to become a producer like he studied for? Why did he choose continue working in the cinema?" Seungmin scoffs and takes a sip of his hot choco. "Like you haven't done the exact same thing."

Changbin gives the latter a death stare and Chan holds him by his shoulder, not risking him getting up from the couch to 'fight' the younger. "Easy, guys."

But that didn't stop Changbin from getting up and walking to Seungmin, getting on top of him. The oldest tries to stop them but Jeongin holds him back. "This is entertaining, I want to see who wins," he tells him and sips some hot choco, enjoying the fight coming to place in front of him.

Because of the screaming from Changbin, we didn't hear the front door open. I look around and see Jisung standing in the door opening, frightnened. I hear Minho getting up and walking to the latter, taking him with him somewhere else. I frown and follow their steps until I don't see them.

I nudge Hyunjin, whose enjoying the show, and he looks at me. "What is more important than these two weirdos fighting?" I nod in the direction the duo went. "Jisung looked terrified and then Minho took him somewhere else," I explain, but Hyunjin shrugs. "The two of them are always up to something."

Jisung has been quite strange ever since we came living here, which is now almost two months ago. He was always this loud and excited kid, but I don't see anything back from that nowadays. I'm really concerned about him, but I have no idea how to help him and if he even wants my help.

The thoughts are killing me. I'm dying to go after them and see what they're up to, but I decide to stay put.

The two strangling each other on the couch are finally done and Seungmin, obviously, won. Changbin pouts and sits next to Chan, hiding his head between his legs. The latter laughs at him and pats his back before shutting his laptop.

After some minutes of Changbin and Seungmin bickering, Minho and Jisung enter the room again, Jisung with red puffed eyes. I lock eyes with him and give him a warm smile, which I hope will calm him down a little. 

The rest notices the duo's presence and look in their direction. They see Jisung's state and all turn worried. Jeongin is the first to speak up. "Is there something going on, hyung?"

Minho looks at Jisung and Jisung lowers his head, sighing. Hyunjin is getting impatient and stands up to walk to the younger. "It's killing us to see you like this. You can trust us fully, we're your best friends. We just want the best for you," he reassures the latter and hugs him.

Then, Jisung breaks down in Hyunjin's arm and the tears are rolling down his cheeks at a high speed. Everyone turns even more concerned at the sight. Hyunjin takes Jisung with him to sit on the couch, the younger still hugging the older tightly.

When Jisung has calmed down after some minutes, he lets go of Hyunjin and rubs his eyes. He takes some deep breaths and signs for Minho to sit down next to him. He does as he's been told and sits next to the boy, resting his hand on the latter's upper leg.

Everyone's staring at the poor boy, waiting for him to start talking. The latter in- and exhales one last time and starts talking.

"I'm sorry I'm telling you this so late, but it has just been hard for me to get it out of my mouth. Minho hyung is the only one who knows until now. 

So the thing is..."

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