Chapter 18

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[Jeongin's POV]


Today's the day. The first day of mid-terms.

My heart is pounding in my throat and I swear I will get a panic attack soon.

I have the first exam in three hours, which gives me enough time to study before.

I'm sitting at my desk in my shared bedroom, going over all the knowledge I have to know for art history. The words just don't make any sense anymore after an hour of staring at it, so I decide to head downstairs to grab something to eat.

When I enter the kitchen, I see Hyunjin and Seungmin sitting at the counter. They notice me walking in and they smile at me.

"All ready for the exam today?" the oldest of the two asks and I groan as an answer. Seungmin looks at me and tilts his head. "That doesn't sound very promising."

I grab some cookies from one of the drawers and turn back to the duo. "I just hate school for making me do all this stuff. I'm going to sue the school once I am diagnosed with depression."

"You want me to help you go through the work?" Hyunjin asks and I nod.

The next hour, me and Hyunjin have gone through all the work and I've gained my confidence a little again. I have to catch my bus soon, so I pack my bag and get ready to leave.

"Good luck kiddo!" Hyunjin and Seungmin call after me and I give them a smile in return before leaving the house, on my way to college.

I walk through the corridors of the school, heading towards the classroom where my art history exam will take place. I finally reached the room and I walk in.

A lot of students are already present, talking to each other or going over their notes one last time. I sit down and take my phone out, seeing good luck messages from my household members. I smile and put my phone away again and replace it with my notebook.

After fifteen minutes, the teacher walks in and tells us to put away our books and grab our stuff for the exam.

The teacher gives me the exam and I start the two and a half hour exam.


Second day. Today is math.

I have my exam in the afternoon, so I have enough time before the exam again. This time, Changbin and I sit at the dining table, studying my weaknesses.

We've been going through it for an hour now and I'm confident I know enough. Changbin gives me a pat on my shoulder and smiles. "I'm proud of you, man. You've memorized a lot." I thank him before looking for my bag.

I walk into the kitchen where I left it and see Minho making breakfast while Felix is sitting at the counter, talking to the latter.

"Math today?" the oldest asks and I nod while swinging the strap of the bag over my shoulder. The younger turns at me and smiles. "Good luck then!" I thank them and leave the room.

I wave everyone goodbye and I get a lot of good lucks back. I walk out the door and find my way to the bus station.


I'm sitting in the car with Chan, heading to school. He said he wanted to bring me there and then we could go through my English literature for one last time.

"One thing, don't stress too much. Just take the exam and don't start stressing when you don't know a question. I know you can do it, so there's nothing to worry about," the latter comforts me and I smile and him.

We arrived at the school and I thank Chan one last time before getting out of the car.

I walk into the classroom and see some students minding their own business. I sit down at one of the tables and take my phone out to look at my social media.

I'm still trying to be an influencer and to be honest with you, I'm doing pretty good. I already have over 10.000 followers and I got them in a little over a month. So I am able to say I did a pretty decent job.

The classroom is filled with students when the teacher finally walks in. "Hello class. You will all have your English literature exam today. Put your phones and books away and then we can start."

I get the exam sheet before me from the teacher. I smile at him and start writing.


Today I decided to head to school a little earlier, since I still need to finish my sculpture assignment. Next week we have all week to finish our three assignments, but I was a little behind with this one.

Today I have philosophy exam. I did the studying mostly by myself, since no one really had this class and I never really had a hard time with it.

While I'm working on my sculpture, one of the annoying girls comes up to me and smiles a little too brightly at me. I act like I haven't noticed her and focus on my work, but that doesn't stop her from talking to me.

"Hey Jeongin! Your sculpture looks so cool! I wish I could be as good as you," she pouts and I just know she needs a compliment from me over her work, but I'm not in the mood. "Just work hard and I'm sure it will turn out good," I answer without letting my eyes get off my work. The girl chuckles and leaves my side.

After finishing the clay head on the clay body after an hour, I start to clean up and head to my next exam, philosophy.


I'm just done with my Korean literature exam and all the exams for this semester are wrapped up. I feel so relieved and want to go home immediately to crash on the couch as soon as possible.

I'm saying goodbye to my friends and walk through the school to the main exit. While walking by the reception, I see two familiar faces. Without thinking, I look in their direction and I get met with four stern eyes which are from my parents.


They walk up to me and I swallow my saliva down my throat. "Good to see you here, Jeongin," my mom says and I force a smile on my face. "Hey mom and dad!"

"We just talked to the receptionist," my dad begins. "We wanted to surprise you, since it's the end of your exams, but we just heard you don't live in the dorms here. I'm actually quite surprised to see you here walking through the school."

I knew they would find out at some point, but I just wished it would come from my side and not theirs.

I take a breath to take a minute to think. Maybe I should just show them what I've been up to these last months. I mean, they can't be that mad when they find out I've still been going to school and all. So that's why I decide to tell them the truth.

"Okay, I did lie about living in college dorms. But if you just give me one chance, I will show you where I've been living and with who. Just follow me." My parents look at each other and then follow me.

I turn to them and smile once again. "But can we go with your car? It is a short drive away from here. Or we need to go with the bus." My dad sighs and walks to my parents' car.

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