Chapter 13

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[Seungmin's POV]

I wake up from Jeongin's alarm ringing loudly through the room. I groan and turn around to face the wall.

"Fucking school," I hear the younger groan while hitting snooze.

10 minutes later

The alarm goes off again and once again, I groan.

"Can you just make it stop? It's 7 in the fucking morning." Jeongin starts stretching his limbs in his bed and yawns. "Technically, it's 7.10 in the morning." I roll my eyes and cover my head with the blanket.

After two more snoozes, he finally gets up and walks out of the room.

Finally some rest.

Not five minutes later, Chan storms into the bedroom, making me flinch. "What the hell, dude! I'm trying to get some rest here. Hell, I could even be naked," I say, throwing a pillow to his figure.

"Have you seen Felix?" I sit up straight in bed and look at the older. "I was in bed, so no. I did have a dream about him, though," I think out loud, looking up at the ceiling.

The oldest has already disappeared into the hallway when I look at the spot where he had just been standing. I sigh and get out of the bed, ruffling my hair a bit to make it seem a little better.

When entered the kitchen, I've stepped in a real chaos. Chan is walking in and out, Minho is trying to calm Chan down while cooking, Changbin is trying to call Felix, Jisung is feeding the dogs while talking to Minho about where Felix could be, Hyunjin is probably still asleep, and Jeongin is filming the chaos.

"Voicemail again. That boy is glued to his phone, how can he not answer the goddamn phone?" Changbin calls out, clearly irritated.

I sit down at the counter and Minho places a plate with pancakes before me. I thank him and start eating. Chan walks into the kitchen again and walks around the counter to Changbin, looking over his phone.

Minho is clearly annoyed by Chan and pulls him by the arm, making him sit next to me at the counter. "You need your pancakes, now eat. Walking isn't going to make him come home faster."

Chan sighs and takes a bit of the pancakes. Jeongin puts his phone away and gets up. "I'm sorry to step out of the warzone, but I have somewhere to be." Chan waves his hand in the youngest's direction. "No problem, we'll be okay. Now go get ready for college."

Jeongin nods and leaves the kitchen.

"I'll try calling him once more. Who was the last to see him yesterday?" Changbin asks while bringing his phone to his ear once again.

I raise my hand. "I had lunch with him at JYPE. He said he would have a busy schedule that day, I don't know if that makes any sense to his absence."

Jisung stands up and walks up to Minho, looking at him flipping yet another pancake. "Maybe he slept there? I don't know, does any of you have his location?"

I look around the room and see the rest doing as well. Then I hear Chan groan next to me. "Jeongin does, for some reason. They never wanted to tell me why, but I think he still has it."

I look at Minho, whose looking at Jisung, whose looking back at him. "Jeongin!" Minho yells, while Jisung runs out the kitchen.

A minute later, Jisung comes back while dragging Jeongin with him by his wrist, whose looking at his phone. "I'm already searching, you don't have to hold me that tight, dude," the youngest groans out while trying to get out of Jisung's hold.

Chan gets up and stands next to Jeongin, looking at his phone. "Where is he?" The youngest rolls his eyes and finally frees his wrist from the squirrel-like boy. "I'm looking, okay? You guys have no patience."

After a minute of silence, which felt like hours, Jeongin finally found Felix's location and him and Chan sigh, which sounds relieving. "He's at the JYP building."

There's a moment of silence until Changbin lets his phone fall on the table in clear annoyance while throwing his arms in the air. "All those 30 calls for absolutely nothing. Seungmin, you have work today again, right?"

I nod, not knowing where he's going with this. The latter nods his head slowly before getting up from his seat. "I'm going to the gym. You make sure he's okay today," he says, poining his right index-finger at me. I swallow and nod, not wanting to make the older even more annoyed.

"I'm coming with you. Can any of you wake Hyunjin up?" Chan calls out while following Changbin out of the room, not waiting for an answer. Jisung sighs and walks around Minho, out the kitchen. "I'll get the horn."


I've arrived at the JYP building and head straight to the 5th floor, where I suppose Felix is at the moment. I got one train earlier to look around for Felix and not be late for work in the meantime. So now, I'm wondering in the corridors on the dancing floor, looking for room number 25.

I finally found it after walking the same circle for around 3 times and knock on the door. I hear some stumbling at the other side of the door. "Who is there? Do you have a key?" I hear the familiar voice call out.

I sigh in relief and get a key out of my pocket, opening the door.

And there is the morning Felix I'm used to, standing at the door opening. He smiles widely at me before throwing himself at me. I don't usually like much touch, but I kind of needed it right now from him.

"How could you even get yourself locked up here? Don't you have a key yourself?" I ask the older, stepping away from him. I see him frown and walk back into the room right to his bag. He goes through it and freezes.

"Did I really just camp here while I had a key with me all along?"

I laugh loudly and need the door handle to stand steadly. Felix gives me a death stare but that doesn't make me stop laughing.

"It's not that funny. My back hurts so goddamn much and I heard things going on at the halls what I didn't want to hear."

I walk to him and sit on the couch, facing the latter.

"Spill it."

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