Chapter 17

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[Chan's POV]

"I need a ruler from someone!"

It's Friday in the afternoon, which means Changbin, Hyunjin, and Jeongin have a free day and I decided to work at home. Jeongin is studying on his own at the dining table, me sitting opposite of him, and the other two are doing God knows what.

"Don't have one!" Hyunjin yells back at us and Jeongin groans.

Apparently, Jeongin is a big fan of my music, but I don't think he can really concentrate while studying.

"Good song, by the way," he points out and I smile. Jeongin looks back at his sketchbook, stares at it for some seconds, and flips the pages over to close the book with a loud thud. "Fucking art assignment," he breathes out and gets up from the chair.

While the younger walks out of the room, I hear the front door open and Minho speaking up. "I'm done working in the café, people."

I frown, close my laptop, and walk to the front door. There I meet Minho kicking off his shoes. "What do you mean 'done working in the café'?" He looks at me and smiles. "I got a job as a chef in a restaurant," he speaks happily and I can see he can't hold back his smile.

I walk up to him and pat his back. "Good for you! You can finally make your dream job come true, I'm proud of you."

I know how much he wanted a job as a chef in some restaurant. It was the only thing he could talk about when he was in college. He was so determined to make that dream come true and after already three years, he made it happen.

"Do you want me to cook tonight to celebrate or do you want to do it yourself so you can show us your skills?" I ask the younger while we both walk to the living room where apparently the other three are as well.

Minho giggles and sits on the couch next to Changbin. "You could already enjoy my food every day, so I don't think I have to proof myself to you all. But I'll cook." I nod and sit on the armrest next to Jeongin.

"You got the job from the interview for that Italian restaurant?" Changbin asks and Minho nods with a smile. The younger of the two hits the older playfully and giggles like a three-year-old girl. Hyunjin looks up from his phone to see where the sound came from with a disgusted look on his face.

"What were you two doing just a while ago?" I ask Changbin and Hyunjin and the youngest of the two groans while the other giggles yet again.

"Changbin here wanted to film a TikTok with me on 'Super Shy'. So we did just that, and I'm not satisfied with the thought of it," the younger answers and Minho and Jeongin laugh at the latter.

Minho went of to the kitchen to cook. Some minutes later, Jisung enters the house. "I'm home!" he announces and I hear him heading to the kitchen, talking to Minho.

Hyunjin gets off the couch. "I'm going to paint." I nod and call after him, "Can you feed the pets on your way?" I get an "Okay," back and focus on the conversation we were having again.

Then again a few more minutes later, Felix and Seungmin enter the house. They enter the living room while talking and the youngest lets himself fall on the couch. "I hate trainees. Especially the selfish ones," he speaks and groans in annoyance. Changbin chuckles and pats the latter's back. "You chose this job, my friend."

Seungmin sits straight on the couch and looks at the latter. "And you chose to work in a convenient store, cinema, and a restaurant, where you now quit, all at the same time and hating each one of the jobs, while you could ask Chan to work together with him."

Changbin looks at me and I shrug. "You never asked." The younger's mouth falls open and scoffs. "I-" is the only thing he can get out of his mouth. It's quiet for a second until Seungmin starts to laugh at him. "You're a real pabo."

Before Seungmin can annoy Changbin even more and him yell back at him, Minho comes into the room. "Food's ready."

We're all sitting, eating our foods and talking about life. Minho just explained the two who weren't present earlier his change in careers and they were both really excited for him.

"But seriously, would like to work together on music?" Changbin asks while staring forward. I chuckle and grab a piece of food with my chopsticks. "Of course. It will be a lot easier and fun if I could work with someone. If you want the job, I'll talk to my boss."

Minho looks up from his plate of food and looks inbetween Changbin and me, and then back at Changbin. "You know how to make music?" The latter gives him a death stare. "Of course! I made a lot of tracks in high school!" the boy yells and Jisung tenses up for a second.

"Sorry man, didn't know this was such a emotional topic for you," Minho speaks calmy before putting his arm on the backrest of Jisung's chair.

Felix looks at Jisung. "You also like to make music. Why don't you three become a sort of music trio?" he questions and puts rice in his mouth. Jisung chuckles and looks down at his food. "I don't think now is the right time, but I do really want to be able to make music some day."

I smile at him and pick up my glass of water. "You're always welcome. And the rest of you as well, if you want a career in music."

Seungmin tilts his head and scoffs. "As long if I don't have to be a trainee for you guys."


I really needed to push this chapter out of me, since I have a lack of inspiration for this story, but I just wanted to write something. So that's the reason why this isn't the best, but at least I tried.

It could be that there's going to be a time jump soon, since there is not so much to tell at the moment, but I'll see.

I hope you guys like this story even a little and leave comments so I know what you're thoughts are on this

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