Chapter 8

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[Jisung's POV]

Everything went in a blur. I remember my dad getting angry at me and Minho defending me. Somehow, my dad punched Minho to get him out of the way, which made me angry, which made my dad beat me up. So how I got into the hospital, I have no idea.

I finally have the energy to open my eyes. The bright light meets my eyes and I squeeze them close again. The light made my headache even worse than it already was.

After opening and closing my eyes for multiple times, they get a little used to the light and see Chan sitting on the chair next to me. He smiles and walks over to my bed. "Hey there, how are you feeling?" I groan as an answer, since I don't trust my mouth enough to speak. "I'll get a doctor."

When Chan leaves the room, it hits me. Where's Minho? Is he okay? Did my dad do any more damage? How did I get here? But the most important is Minho right now. I try to sit up in my bed, but feel my whole body tense up and ache, so I lay back down.

Right then, Chan comes in with two doctors who make their way to me to check up on me. "We will need to do some tests on you and you need some rest, but I think after a week or so, you're free to go," one doctor tells me. "Can I send the people in who came here for you?" Chan smiles at her and bows. "Thank you. And I'll go get them if you're okay with that?" The latter turns to me. I sigh, which hurts more than it should, and look at him. "Where's Minho?"

Chan sighs and sits on the bed. "He's in another room. He woke up before you did. But don't worry, he'll be fine." I feel a little relieved but sad and angry at my father he did that to me and mostly Minho. He shouldn't have brought him into this.

Minho is the only one who really knows about my family issues. The others know, but not everything. He always made sure it didn't got worse, so he's the last person who deserves this.

"I'll get the guys and tell them to be gentle with you, since you don't really look a lot better," the older tells. I nod my head, slowly, and he and the doctors leave the room and I'm alone again.

I take the time to take in my surroundings. I'm curious how my body looks, but regret looking under the covers when I do. It's full with bruises and cuts.

After a while, Chan walks in with the guys behind him. Minus Minho. They slowly walk up to me with a big smile on their faces. "Hey man, how are you feeling?" Hyunjin asks. I stretch my fingers and find a tube in my arm. I try not to think about it and look at the latter.

"Weak. How long have I been away?" I answer, looking around the room. Changbin walks to my bed and sits next to me. "For a day. The doctors said it could be way worse, so you're lucky," he explains and I nod.

The only thing I can think about now, since I know my state, is how Minho is doing. I guess Chan noticed my discomfort and he walks to my bed to grab my hand. "He's okay, we were just with him until the doctors said he needed his sleep. I'm sure the only thing on his mind is to see you." That kind of makes me smile.

[Minho's POV]

I wake up and see a doctor looking through some files at the end of my bed. He sees me waking up and smiles at me. "Good afternoon, how was your sleep?" he asks while writing something on the papers. "It was good, thank you."

Another two doctors walk in and one walks up to my bed, standing next to me. "I have some great news for you. Your friend has woken up. We do need to give you a checkup first, before you can go see him." My eyes light up and I feel the corners of my mouth go up.

The two doctors ride my bed out of the room, to another room to check up on me. While moving through the hallways, we pass Changbin and Jeongin at the vending machine. They see us and smile. I smile and wave my hand to them. The tube which goes into my arm is still attached to the sack, which one of the doctors pushes forward together with the bed.

We enter a room where more doctors are preparing things. One of them turns to me and helps the two beside me to place the bed in the middle of the room. "Ready to take some tests?" I nod my head 'yes', since I don't really have a choice to get those, and the doctors begin to fulfill their jobs.

Time skip

I'm back in my assigned hospital room. The same doctor who was in here before is looking through some other files. He comes beside my bed without looking up from the papers. "The tests went well and you're good to go. I'll remove the infusion from your arm and you're free to go." I thank the doctor and prepare myself to feel the infusion getting pulled out of me.

I have my own clothes on again and I walk out of the room. Chan is sitting there in a chair and stands up. "We have to take care of the bills first before going to Jisung, okay?" I nod my head, understanding, and we walk to the reception.

After me paying for the bills, we walk to Jisung's room. We stand before the door and I sigh. Chan looks at me and caresses my back. "I know it will be hard seeing your best friend laying in a hospital bed, but just remember: if you don't, you'll have to wait until next week." I chuckle and take a deep breath one last time.

I look next to me, to Chan, and nod my head. The latter opens the door and I see Jisung laying in the hospital bed, listening to whatever Felix has to say. They all notice the door opening and Jisung's eyes light up. "Minho, you're okay!" he calls out. Changbin walks up to me and gives me a hug and I hug him back.

Once letting go off the shorter guy, I walk up to the hospital bed and sit down, facing the guy in the bed. "How are you feeling?" I ask, getting a hold of his hand. He smiles up to me. "Weak, but I'll be fine. I'm glad you're okay."

Flashbacks come back to me from that day. Seeing his dad beating him up and not being able to help him is the worst thing to feel. I prayed he would get off of him, but he didn't. He kept on punching, until a group of police officers came by and saw the incident. They needed to pull him off of Jisung and by that time, he was already knocked out.

I don't cry a lot, but that definitely made the tears roll down my cheeks.

I look at Felix standing at the other side of the bed and he gives me a weak smile. Jeongin, who just got off his phone, stands up and claps his hands together. "Well guys, that we're in a hospital doesn't mean we have to be depressed the whole goddamn time. Let's do something."

Chan laughs evilly and that makes Jeongin's smile disappear in less than a second. "Then look for a job, that's doing something. It has been a week and you still don't have one. Rent is in less than a week, remember that." Hyunjin and Jeongin groan and the youngest sits back in his seat.

Changbin walks up to Jeongin and takes his phone. "Let me help you folks. I had more than ten jobs in my life, I'm a professional."

And that's how we spend the rest of the time looking and rating jobs for the four jobless guys. Jisung still holds onto my hand, not with any force, since he's too weak for any effort. It's just the eight of us, making fun together, until the doctors come in to tell us to give Jisung some rest.

Everyone stands up, me inculded, but I feel Jisung's hand moving up to my arm, grabbing a hold of it. I look at him and he's looking at the doctor. "Can one of them stay with me? I promise I'll get some rest." The doctor nods and looks at me. "Give him enough rest and let him sleep when he wants. I figure you're the other who was in the accident as well, so you also need some rest. Don't push each other to anything." I bow and thank the doctor.

The rest leaves the room and I sit in the chair next to the bed, allowing the doctor to do a little checkup and escorting herself out of the room afterwards.

"Now, how about watching a movie together?"


I'm not shipping Minho and Jisung in any way here, I just want to show their relationship. So I'm sorry if it looks like I ship them, but I don't.

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