Chapter 10

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[Jeongin's POV]

"Jeongin, don't fucking film me! It's literally 7 in the morning."

Okay, maybe I film my housemates a lot these days, but it's entertaining. They're entertaining.

"Sorry Changbin, but seeing your face in the morning is a part of my life nowadays. I'm filming my day to day life, remember?"

It's been a week since I started trying to become an influencer. I have 50 followers, which 7 of them are my housemates. It's not a lot, but it's a start. You need to start somewhere, right?

Oh, and the 43 remaining followers are my classmates. But it is a whole difference if you see someone with 50 followers or 1.  Maybe people will think 'oh he's reasonable', you know?

Chan walks into the kitchen with his workout clothes on. "Changbin, ready to hit the gym?" Changbin looks up from his bowl of cereal with a tired look. "Give me 10 minutes to at least wake up, okay?"

Chan sees me filming and waves at my phone. "Hello people who are watching this clumsy maniac." I open my mouth in disbelief and lower my phone. "Hey, that's not true!"

Changbin breaks out in laughter and his cereal entered the wrong hole, causing him to cough. Chan laughs at him and needs support from the counter to not fall to the ground. "Payback," I reply and walk out of the kitchen, to my bedroom.

Seungmin is in the bathroom when I enter our shared room and I place my phone on my desk, filming me packing my bag for school.

Ugh, school, I still go there.

While I'm putting my notebook in my bag, my mom calls me. I need 10 seconds to pick up and hear my mom on the other side of the phone.

"Hey darling, how are you?"

"I'm fine. Why the sudden call?"

"I just wanted to see how my son is doing. How's school? Is it fun living in a dorm?"

Ha, she thought.

Well, I have a roommate, so I see that as a dorm-like-thing to say, so I'm not lying when I say, "Yeah it's fun, my roommate is really nice."

At that point, Seungmin walks in from the bathroom with a towel in his hands, drying his wet hair.

"I really want to see you again. When do you have a free period? I could come by."

My eyes widen.

"No, don't come! My dorm is, uhm, really messy. My roommate is a slob. I could come to you, though!"

While I say that, I look around the room, Seungmin doing the same.

Our bedroom is the cleanest of all. Seungmin really is a neat person, so he is after my butt the whole time when I throw something on the ground.

Okay, maybe some lying, then.

"It's okay. But I would like you to visit us some time! Your brother misses you, though."

I frown at that. My brother, missing me? No way in hell that is true.

"He said he misses bickering you, but I'm sure he really misses you on the inside."

Ah, more reasonable.

"I can come around this Friday after school?"

"Perfect. Well, I have to leave for work and I'm sure you have to head to your classes soon, so I'll talk to you later. By honey!"

"Bye mom!" I end the call and see Seungmin looking at me from his bed.

"How more neat do you want this room to be? Your desk is the only thing that's truly messy, so that's on you," he calls out to me, still drying his hair.

"She wanted to come see me at my dorm, I had to make an excuse. Nothing personal to you."

Seungmin nods and lays the towel on his bed. "I'm sure you have to start walking to the bus stop, or you'll be late for classes. What do you have today?"

I look up at the ceiling, trying to remember my school schedule.

"Art history, Korean, Printmaking, self work, and graphic design," I reply. The guy opposite of me scoffs. "Good luck, then, I'm rooting for you."


I'm sitting in the bus, editing my video for today. While I'm working on it, a girl comes sitting next to me.

"Hey, you're Jeongin, right? I don't know if you know me, but I'm in your art history class." I look up at her and see that she's one of the annoying group of people.

There's this group, boys and girls, who try to be friends with everyone and they do literally anything for it. There was this one time, one of them stood on one of the tables in the cafeteria, with an umbrella in her hand, yelling 'I'm Mary Poppins, y'all' and jumped, like she was going to fly, and then fell into the popular guy's soup.

Yeah, It's a weird group of friends. And the one who did the imitation of Mary Poppins is sitting right next to me. Asking me if I know her. Bold.

"Oh, yeah, I've seen you around. What's up?" I ask, nonchalantly. The corners of her lips go higher what I've never seen before and it almost makes me pee my pants.

Not literally, though, that would be awful.

"I was just wondering if you would be my partner for the next partner project? I heard that today we have to make duo's."

Now how am I going to turn her down politely?

"I'm sorry, but I think I have to decline. It's been a while since I've done a project together with one of my friends. I'm sorry," I tell her, not entirely truly speaking.

She looks down at her hands and smiles. "It's okay. It was nice talking to you, though! We should do it more."

That's the thing, they are even happy when you talked back to them, just being polite. That you talked to them, means there is progress.

Don't ask me, they're in need for some new friends, apparently. And by friends, I mean the whole school.

I put on my headphones, not having more motivation to do my homework, and look out the window.

Let's hope we can survive this day without having to interfere with that group again.

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