Chapter 11

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[Felix's POV]

"Come on, Seungmin, we're gonna be late!" I yell through the house. Seungmin and I work in the same building, so we take the train together.

The house is empty today. Jeongin is off to college, Jisung has some appointment or something, Hyunjin is walking Kkami and Bbama, and the rest is off to work.

The younger finally comes downstairs and I sigh. "Finally. We can't miss the train twice this week and make Chan drive us." Seungmin rolls his eyes while we leave the house and walk to the train station.

When the train starts driving, I get my AirPods out and Seungmin and I listen to some music. We're both busy with our phones; work related stuff, TikTok, texting, etc.

We get off the train and walk the rest of the way. It's been a week since we started working here and it's been great. A lot of work, but I like what I'm doing, so I don't really care.

"Lunch together?" Seungmin asks, looking at me. I smile and nod my head. "Absolutely."

We walk into the building, to the elevator. Seungmin is the first to leave, and we say goodbye to each other. The doors close again and I'm alone in the little room.

After some seconds, the doors open again and I walk out, finding my way through the endless corridors. When I finally reach the door to the dancing room, I walk in.

Two of my dance partners are already inside, stretching and warming up. I put my stuff on one of the tables and join the others.

"Hey Felix. We just heard our dancing teacher wants us to memorize one whole new dance today, so we might be here for a while," the tallest tells me. The shorter but brighter person turns to me. "He said we can create our own solos for this dance, so I'm exited!"

Two of our other dance partners walk in together with the dance teacher, talking about something. They all bow to us and we bow in return. The dance teacher walks to the box and connects his phone with it.

"We will wait for the last to come and then we can start, we have a busy schedule today."

The rest of the morning I'm learning the parts of the dance we all do together. We're going through the parts when I hear my phone buzz in my bag on the table, figuring it's Seungmin, since it's lunchtime.

"Okay people, a short lunch break for you all. Be back here in an hour, we have one more part to do before moving on to the solos," our dance teacher instructs us. We all clean ourselves up a bit and leave the room, going down to the cafeteria in the building.

I'm texting Seungmin I'll be there in a minute when one of my dance partners comes up to me. "You already know what you want to do for the solo? I'm thinking of doing some jazz, since the song has those vibes, but I don't know if that really suits me, you know?"

I look up at him and scoff. "You are a brilliant dancer, I'm sure you can pull it off." He pats my back and walks away from me.

I enter the cafeteria and see Seungmin sitting at a table. I first buy some food and a drink before sitting with him. He looks up from his phone when I sit down opposite of him. "There you are, I thought you went without me."

I roll my eyes and open my drink. "Like I would do that." The guy raises an eyebrow at me and I sigh. "Okay, maybe I did it once or twice since I've met you, but not a lot."

"What have you been up to in that dance room today?" Seungmin asks while picking up some rice with his chopsticks. "You know, learning a new dance. We can make our own solos this time. You?"

"These trainees are hard working, but some of them forget to actually pay attention. They are too busy with 'I need to make it', but they won't if they don't do what I say. You understand?" I nod slowly, thinking if I really understand it.

"Well, I gotta go now, see you at home?" the younger asks, which I nod to with my mouth full of taekkbokki. He stands up and walks out of the cafeteria, leaving me alone at the table.

When I'm done eating, I throw the plastic what's left away and walk towards the elevators again. There I see two of my dance partners and greet them. The elevator door opens and we walk in, together with what I assume are trainees.

When we walk in the dance room again, our dance teacher looks at us and smiles. "There you are. Let's start fast, we still have a lot to do."


It's 8 pm and I'm still trying to finish my solo. It's hard, since my mind is not cooperating at the moment. Some are already done and shown it to the group and teacher. They've gone home now.

I've got some snacks from the cafeteria, since I still need food to function, and am eating to hopefully get more inspiration. I don't know how I will get that through eating, but it's worth trying.

The dance teacher is wrapping up, since he has to give some trainees dancing classes, and tells the remaining people in the room to turn off the lights and close the door once the last leaves. We bow at him and he leaves the room.

"Well, since he's gone, I might be going as well. I can continue this at home. See you later, my friends," one of the three others says and waves at us before vanishing through the door.

"I should go as well, have important business to do at home." I don't know what that means, but I choose to let it slide. Now it's only me and one other in the room.

Thirthy minutes later and the other is done. He smiles at me while grabbing his bag. "Good luck, I'm sure you can make it work." I smile back at him and now I'm left alone in the room.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and sigh.

Now what am I going to do?

I can't even think of an answer, before someone, rather something, interrupts me.

The person who left the room just a second ago let the door fall close behind him accidentally. Now my brain didn't really function, so I didn't realize that when the door falls close, it's locked.

I don't have a key.

"Fuck this shit, I'm camping here," I said to no one in perticular and grab the noodles I had already heaten up.

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