3 : first day at work

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Wohoo chap 3!! Don't forget to vote!!

Since sunbaenim brought me home, I wasn't tired that much. I opened the gate and saw kara creeping at me with a weird smile. "Here, I bought four" I said and gave her the posters. She squealed and kissed me . The next thing I knew she was gone to her room. Eomma laughed. "Dana, she was that excited"  "well, she would go nuts if she sees them"  I went inside and kissed eomma. "So, how was it??"  "Well, it's ruined again.... "   "oh , and I met my new boss!!! He was really nice"  eomma smiled. "So, I bet he would be kind at work?"   "Yeah, and it was suprisin I was even older than him"  my mom shook her head. "He must be smart "  "Dana, go get dressed and call Kara were going to eat dinner" I nodded and went upstairs. Kara was busy studying every inch of their faces. "Yah!! Aren't you hungry?" "I'm not "  she said and started to stick the posters to her wall. "Well, between us, your the pig at eating"  I said and nudged her.

"Well, maybe I am... "  "race you there!!"  She stood up and started running. I was hungry too, but not to hat extent. We ate dinner and I started to get ready for bed. "Night saeng!!" I said and closed her door. All she ever did after I read her the story wad to talk about her  "bias" and how handsome they were. When I told her about dope, she said I should listen to "love me right"  by EXO. I went to my room and brushed my teeth. My phone rang twice. There were two messages.

"Annyeong!! This is yoongi, your sunbaenim lol, see you at work tomorrow! If you get lost text me in this number"

I smiled. He was too kind.

"Dana.. I'm so sorry for what happened. I won't be able to go on dates first. It was  a call from my appeogi, I have to go somewhere.. I'm not sure until when, sorry "

I sighed. He was going to be gone for a while. If that guy didn't bump the drink on him in the first place, we could have been much closer now. I covered my face with a pillow and forced my self to sleep.

*next day*

I woke up and looked at the time. 7:00 AM. I need to get ready for work. Fast. Work starts at 8. I hurriedly took a bath dressed while brushing my hair, brushed my teeth while wearing my shoes. Saeng was already in school so, I just grabed a pack of crackers and raced fot the gate. I don't want to get a penalty for being late. I rode a cab going there. The thing is, there was traffic.

"Ahjussi, isn't there any other way?"  He shok his head. "Sorry, this is the only way" I leaned back to the car's headrest. I checked my watch. 7 : 40 .  "Ahjussi, you know what? I'll just walk... annyeong!!" I closed the door and brisked walked. The reataurant was five blocks away. I could manage that.  At first, I was walking until it turned to jogging, then running. Finally, I got in. The door was opened for me. When I was inside, my jaw dropped. The restaurant was so big. The hallway never seemed to end , tables almost uncountable and lights that filled the whole place.It even had a view of the city at the side. No wonder Yoongi nim asked me if I would get lost. I walked and asked the information desk. "Um, I'm new here where do I --'"   "oh, your new here? Go straight hen turn left, the head quarters is there, you'll be meetig the head chef and he would assist you to work" I thanked the lady and placed my hands in the pocket of my uniform. I was getting a bit nervous.

Luckily, I made my way without being clumsy.  I was approached by a tall man with complete chef's unfiorm. "So, are you the new employee?"  I nodded. "Ahh, I'm Tae Joo "   "I'll be helping you and will be your head chef"   "manasseo bangawoyo Tae Joo sunbaenim"  I bowed. He handed me my unform and I went to change. Phew, I need a good impression. After changing he ushered me to the kitchen were almost 10 people were busy slicing , boiling, cooking meals for all the people. "I need your attention everyone" Tae joo nim called. "We have a new member to our crew"  "meet Dana Kang now everyone,  I want you to treat her nicely and let her feel at home"  "ne!! Sunbaenim" everyone said. He looked to me. "For now, stay close to me until you get used to the things here" I nodded.

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