Chapter Twelve: The New (Real) Couple

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Min-seok POV

"Ssi-bal!" Eun-woo cursed, the hungover man pacing the kitchen and calling Ji-soo for what had to have been the 10th time in less than 15 minutes this morning.

"I'm sure she's fine. Jung Hae-in is a good guy, and Min-jun has know him for years." Ho-seok said.

Though composed, Ho-seok was also struggling this morning and the two of us were sitting next to each other at the long table in Min-jun's family kitchen, drinking water.

"How could you guys let her go home with him?" A loud groan escaped Eun-woo's lips as he heard Ji-soo's voicemail again. "And why isn't she answering her phone!"

"Please, stop yelling." Nam-joon pleaded, the side oh his face rested on the table. He was sitting across from me. "My head is throbbing. You're killing me, hyung."

"Blame, Ji-soo! Damnit!"

Nam-joon sighed and buried his face in his arms to avoid the bright light coming through the kitchen windows.

I on the other hand twirled the water around in my cup as vivid images of what the boys and I witnessed last night replayed in my head over and over again.


"No way." Nam-joon started. "You can't convince me Spain is better than Italy. How may times have we traveled there?"

Eun-woo scoffed. "The food in Spain is the best!"

"The fashion in Italy is the best and cheap! That's half my wardrobe."

I chuckled, two of my best friends fighting over something so stupid since they were drunk. I recalled both trips, and we had the time of our lives in both countries. This was a pointless conversation to me, but I was pretty distracted at the same time.

I couldn't stop watching Danny and Min-jun. Something about them was different tonight. I knew they both had interest in each other but Min-jun was not holding back today.

As soon as we saw Danny walk into his backyard, he only had eyes for her and he's stayed by her side the entire party. I noticed a lot more skinship between them, which I also should not be surprised about given how incredible Danny looked her swimsuit.

Every single one of us guys worked hard not to stare at her so she wouldn't be uncomfortable, but believe me when I say - we were blown away. Many comments had been made amongst the boys about Danny's impressive and perfectly curvy figure, and Min-jun was making it clear Danny was not available to anyone else today. 

Even now, their shoulders were touching as they sat beside each other watching Nam-joon and Eun-woo argue with one another.

Danny was tipsy and you could say she had liquid courage in her. She wasn't shy of Min-jun's gaze today, and her body language showed how much she was enjoying his attention.

I was happy to see them making progress, but there was a part of me that felt unsettled. I still couldn't figure it out - but something about their relationship was still making me jealous. Even now, with Danny opening up to me, I still felt a since of jealousy and I could not figure out why.

"Where are you guys going?" Nam-joon asked as the group watched Danny and Min-jun stand up from the couch. However, my gaze quickly shifted to the pairs' intertwined hands.

"She wants ice cream." Min-jun replied.

"Bring us some too!" Said Eun-woo.

My eyes continued to follow Danny and Min-jun, and I noticed Danny trying to compose herself now that the alcohol had rushed to her head.

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