Chapter Sixteen: Office Romance

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Danny POV

"What should we have for lunch?" Binna asked.

"Tteokbokki?" Joon-woo said.

"Oh that does sound perfect on this rainy day!" Su-bin replied. "Danny, you up for it?"

"Sure! Sounds good!"

As usual, my colleagues and I were aligned and on the same page.

I had been interning at KD Group for a over two weeks now, and while it started out a little rough, I was loving every second of it now.

It took a couple of days, but I adjusted to Min-jun being my boss. Min-jun could be forward and he subtly flirted here and there, but he kept it professional in office.

Jae-in and I had to navigate our relationship quickly given that he was still seeing Ji-soo. He was crazy about her, but fortunately for me, Ji-soo was direct about the fact she wasn't ready for monogamy with anyone.

Work on the other hand was challenging but I was learning so much from my team. I was getting closer with them each day, aside from Choi Chae-yeong that is, but one can only tolerate watching another girl flirt with your man so directly for so long.

"Danny." Jae-in, called for me.

"Yes, sajangnim (Boss)." I replied.

"Are you done with your analysis? I need to provide Park Min-jun-nim the forecast."

"Yes, I'll print it out now."

"No need to waste paper." Min-jun said, grabbing the team's attention as he walked out of his office. "I'll take a look at your screen. I need this proposal done ASAP. Let's see what you got."

I remained silent, Min-jun heading towards my cubicle before I felt him hover over me. I could smell his cologne, his chin just beside the side of my face as he took control of my mouse.

"These numbers look right. Great work, Danny."

I smiled, Min-jun moving from behind me before I watched him head towards the exit of our office space.

"Jae-in, finish up the proposal using Danny's forecast." Min-jun continued. "Let's move forward with approving IN Motor's request."

"Yes, sajangnim." Jae-in replied, Min-jun walking out of our office space. "Danny, help me pull the slides together. Su-bin, draft high-level talking points to go with the slides. Binna, coordinate getting this briefing on the agenda for Monday's Director's Meeting. Chae-yeong and Joon-woo, be ready to review and finalize the content. This is a big ask, we can't have a single error in the slides."

"Yes, sajangnim!" The team replied, all of us quickly getting to work like the well oiled machine we had become under our Team Lead's incredible leadership.

Jae-in was also impressive, and he discovered each of our strengths within the first week of the internship. I happen to be a great story teller and really fast at developing creative yet effective powerpoint presentations for Executive audiences.

"Danny, can you send me a rough skeleton of the slides you're building? I want to get ahead and start on the talking points." Said Su-bin.

"Of course, I'll send an outline over now."

I opened a new email to draft and started doing just as I committed to when I saw my phone vibrate from the corner of my eye. It was a text message from my Namchin, meaning boyfriend in Korean.

(Namchin): Come to the 14th floor.

(Me): What for?

(Namchin): Me obviously :)

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