Chapter Thirty-Three: The Best Birthday Gift

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Danny POV

"I can't believe how quickly the weekend got here!" I whined, walking beside Ji-soo as we strolled through the campus. "I still have no idea what to get Min-seok."

"Per usual, you're overthinking things Danny."

"I can't help it! Have you any idea the lengths he's gone to make me feel special?" I sighed, my shoulders falling. "I just want to do the same for him on his special day."

"Oh, aren't you just the sweetest little thing?" Ji-soo joked, wrapping her arm around my shoulders as I continued to wrack my brain around the perfect birthday gift for Min-seok.

I had been planning a dinner for Min-seok over the last week and a half, making reservations at his favorite Italian restaurant and rounding up the people I knew he would appreciate spending his special evening with the most. Now that everything was just about settled on the planning side, I needed to focus on his present and I could not figure out what he would like the most.

"What do you get someone who literally has everything?" I asked Ji-soo.

"Min-seok certainly has expensive taste, but I highly doubt he's expecting some luxury gift from you. You two have been dating for over a month now. He knows what you can afford."

"But everyone going is also super rich, aside from you of course." I replied, the two of us laughing. "I just can't help but fear my gift will look silly in comparison to everyone else's."

"Not going to happen." Ji-soo affirmed. "That man is crazy about you. No matter what you buy for him, it's going to be his favorite gift of the night because it's from you."

I looked ahead, pondering. I knew that Min-seok loved me dearly but I still wanted him to feel exactly as I always did whenever he gifted me something, which was almost weekly these days. If I couldn't do this for him at least once a year - What kind of girlfriend was I?

"Plus, you've already done more than he could have imagined you would!" Ji-soo continued. "He's going to be so happy spending time with Eun-woo and Nam-joon at the same time again! He is going to be even more thrilled if you can get Ho-seok there!"

"Oh yeah, can you reach out to Eun-woo and find out where Ho-seok is?" I asked. "I haven't seen him to give him the invite in person."

"Of course." Ji-soo answered, immediately looking to her phone. "I still can't believe you designed formal invites, and even delivered them to people."

"I wanted to make sure no leaks happened. Hana still has her moments where she shows up and corners Min-seok off campus. I didn't want to risk it."

"She's so crazy. I can't believe she hasn't approached you yet."

"Same. I think she still believes there is a chance for them. Even though she approaches Min-seok, he said she's calm and apologetic. Approaching me, would just make her chances way worse of getting him back."

"Girl, her chances can't get any worse as is! Min-seok and you have no chill ever since he got a taste of you! You're not going anywhere as long as he has a say!"

I couldn't help but laugh with Ji-soo before I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. When I looked at the screen, my smile became a nervous one as I saw what was just delivered to our apartment.

"It got here in time." I said to Ji-soo.

At first she was confused when I let her see my screen, but soon she beamed in excitement as she took the phone from my hold.

"You are going to look so damn hot in that lingerie set, Danny!" I bit my bottom lip, blushing as I embraced this erotic step I was about to take with Min-seok. "Honestly, this is probably the only gift this man needs! Is that a collar and a leash I see?"

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