Chapter Twenty-Eight: The End to Begin

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Min-seok POV

I sat on one of the swings in Hana's neighborhood park. It was nearing 7:00 pm and a chilly Fall evening in Seoul. There weren't any kids or parents in sight now that it had started getting dark earlier with the change in season and most families were usually eating dinner at this time.

"The sooner, the better." I whispered, using my toes to push myself back and forth on the swing.

While I knew this was going to be a hard conversation, my mind was made up. My feelings for Hana had completely changed and the thing is, I realized they had changed a long time ago. This breakup was long overdue, and as I waited for Hana in the same place our relationship started, I looked out to the impressive overview of Seoul and thought of how to best end it.

"Min-seok." Her familiar voice called for me.

I looked over my shoulder, and thanks to the surrounding street lights I could see her as she approached me.

"Hey." I replied, placing a smile on my face as I stood up to greet her.

Out of habit, as soon as Hana stepped in front of me she wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. Though something even as simple as this now felt uncomfortable to me, I went with it and hugged her back for what would be the last time.

"I missed you." She said, the side of her face rested on my peck.

"I'm sorry I've been so distant." I replied. "I've just had a lot going on, and a lot on my mind."

"I've had a lot on my mind as well." Hana said, looking up to me. "I'm just going to get right to the point. I want you to stop this fake relationship with Danny."

My lips parted, our eyes locking as she looked to me with so much confidence.

"This plan is taking too long, and I can't stand the distance it's put between us."

"Hana." I tried.

"I can deal with it." Hana proceeded. "I don't need your parents' blessing. As long as we're together, I can do anything Min-seok. I can deal with anything."

"Hey, let's slow down and take a seat." I said, guilt forming in my chests as I began realizing the magnitude of pain I was about to put her through. "I need to tell you something."

"Is everything okay? Did your parents finally react?"

"Let's take a seat, Hana."

Despite how uncomfortable my response had made her, she sat on one of the three swings in the set and I took my seat on the swing right beside hers. I then let silence fill the crisp air as I thought about my next words carefully.

"You're making me nervous Min-seok." Hana said, her gaze directed at the side of my face.

"I'm just thinking back on our relationship." I responded. "Remember how we started?"

"It's hard not to, especially with where we are." She chuckled, looking around. "We got quite creative throughout this playground when we were friends with benefits in high school."

"Creative and reckless." I replied.

"Yeah, how we never got caught hooking up here is a mystery to me."

"I think I was pretty good with identifying the blind spots on this playground."

Our laughter continued as I nibbled on my bottom lip.

"Who would have thought this would be the same place you made such a touching confession, surrounding yourself with candles and flower petals that were in the shape of a heart."

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