Chapter 43: Jenifer

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Last Chapter Recap - Oliver

"Fine, but you better also try and sleep, I have a feeling that we will be riding here for a while."

I had a feeling that she would be right.


To say I was scared would be an understatement.

I was terrified.

We had been riding in the carriage for a very long time and I had no clue how much longer we had left.

I have been fake sleeping on Janae for what seems like hours.

I hate sleeping, that's when you are most vulnerable. I had learned that from my parents. They would always try and hurt us when we were asleep and didn't expect it.

They would also get mad if we didn't sleep so I had learned a great deal on how to fake sleep.

I could fool just about anyone with my fake sleeping.

Anyone but Owen. Thankfully he was real sleeping on Oliver who seemed to be the only one awake.

I hadn't talked to Oliver before but he couldn't be worse than Oakley.

They look the same. I don't know how they tell each other apart. The only reason I knew that was Oliver was because Oakley currently was covered in the red marks.

I was very glad that Owen, Janae, June, and Oliver found us because I was not able to help Oakley and I was really scared.

I was still scared for where we were going and what was going to happen to us. They had pinky promised that we would not have to go back to our parents but I was still worried that something would go wrong and we would have to return.

I peeked at Oliver to see if he was still awake.

He was and unfortunately, he saw me peak.

"Hi Jenifer, are you having trouble sleeping?"

I didn't respond.

I wasn't ready to talk to him yet.

"Would you like to come and sit with me? I can move Owen." He asked.

I thought about it for a second before nodding my head yes.

I stood up off of Janae so that Oliver could put Owen there and then I went and sat with him.

"So, how about I ask you yes or no questions to get to know you better? You don't have to speak you can just nod your head yes or no. I want you to trust me more and if you want you can ask me questions."

I nodded my head yes at his idea. It didn't seem too bad and I was pretty bored.

"Okay great, we will start easy. Can you tell me and my brother apart?"

I smiled as I shook my head no. Who could possibly tell them apart?!

He smiled back "Yeah most people can't but personally I think we look nothing alike. Can people tell you and Owen apart?"

What a silly question! Of course, people could tell us apart! I nodded yes.

He grinned at me "One time someone accidentally called me Janae and I've never been the same since. Do you think I look like her?"

I laughed at that, of course he looked similar to Janae but it was very easy to tell them apart. I shook my head no.

"Well, I'm glad you think so. What about your big brother Odin? Do you look like him."

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