Chapter 28

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The girls had been at it for a while now, each vying for Quackity's attention with varying degrees of subtlety and desperation. They engaged in playful banter, shared anecdotes, and even tried to outdo one another with outrageous stories and jokes.

Emily, the self-assured DIY master, chimed in with a witty remark, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, please, Maya. As if anyone cares about your extensive collection of trophies. I'm sure Quackity is much more intrigued by my artistic talents."

Maya, the competitive esports player, shot back, her gaze sharp. "At least I have something to show for my skills, unlike you and your, what did you call it? DIY?"

Lily, the determined college student, decided to jump into the fray, her voice taking on a playful edge. "Alright, girls, let's not get too worked up. Quackity probably prefers brains over trophies and paint, right?"

The snide comments continued to fly, each girl trying to assert herself as the one Quackity should notice. Y/N, however, remained an observer in this heated interaction. She had chosen to take a step back from the drama, observing the chaotic scene unfolding before her.

Amidst the verbal sparring, AustinShow's voice cut through the noise, drawing their attention. 

"Sir Quackity, it is time to make an elimination. You need to pick who is the first to be eliminated from the show."

Quackity nodded, his expression pensive. The gravity of the decision hung in the air as he contemplated his choice.

"Send me three names that are your bottom three," AustinShow instructed, his tone firm. "Then decide who gets eliminated from Love Or Host."

Quackity's brows furrowed as he typed out his choices, his fingers moving across the keyboard with a mix of determination and uncertainty. The girls held their breath, their eyes glued to the screen, waiting for the verdict that could change the course of their journey on the show.

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