I'm Sorry!

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"Oh my god I'm so excited for the dance!" Kim cried as we sat in math together.


"Yeah! Ugh, I can't believe I'm going with Gerard. He's so adorable and funny and nice and he's so..." She went on and on. I gazed over at Mikey who was incredibly focused on the assignment in front of him. He is so cute...

"Y/n..." I hummed, "Did you hear what I said?"

"No, sorry..." I gazed back at her.

"Ugh, well anyways, he's like... so amazing. I can't wait for the-"

"Hey guys." Frank sat down with us.

"Hey man," Mikey greeted, "Do you get any of this shit?"

"No," Frank answered, "I'm just the TA."

"Do you?" I shook my head, Kim did as well, "We're so gonna fail this class..."

"I don't think I even care..." I confessed. Mikey dropped his pencil on the table and held his face in his hands. Then he sighed.

"This shit is so fucking confusing..." I gazed at my own worksheet. Only two problems had been done. But of course they were the only ones done with the teacher.

"Maybe we should just drop out now..." I joked.

"If this is what it's gonna be like all four years, I might as well..." He yawned, then gazed at me.

"Frank how'd you get through your math class?"

"Dude I cheat on everything. Only way you'll get through to be honest."

"That's fair..." The bell rang just as the words left my mouth. Each of us packed our things and left the classroom.

"See ya in a bit, babe." Mikey waved.

"Yeah, see ya." I waved back, and entered the art room. Gerard was already sat at his desk, we just waved at each other. I took my seat, and began sketching. Class ended fairly quickly. Gerard and I were off to the cafeteria.

Taking a seat next to Mikey, all the boys were chatting away. I didn't take much notice as to what they talked about. My gaze wandered around the room until they landed on a certain boy with dyed black hair and distinct green eyes. He was eating alone today. Neither of his friends seemed too interested in him.

I'm not entirely sure what prompted this, but I got the strange urge to invite him to sit with us. Of course, I didn't do it. Why would I? He looked angry. Was he angry at the world or angry at himself? And why should I even care? Yet, I couldn't pull my gaze away.

He hadn't noticed me, and normally, I wouldn't notice him. But against all odds here I sat, staring, and wondering about this boy. This boy who could decimate my friends and I in an instant, had me feeling sorry for him. Maybe the life of a school bully isn't what it's like in the movies...

"Y/n!" I snapped my head back around.


"You okay?" I gazed at my friends, still somewhat out of it.

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine..." I sent a quick glance back at Billie, but he was gone.

"Okay well can you give us your opinion? Is the first Halo better than the second? Mikey and Ray say no and Frank and I say yes..." He then went on to explain the pros and cons of each game.

"What?" His words sounded like gibberish to me.

"Well personally, I like the first one because..." I couldn't even comprehend what he was saying.

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