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Adrians POV
I try to think of a way to tell this to Chris I start to build up self-esteem. I make sure that nobody's in the room because I would never go through the pain and embarrassment again. " Chris can you come here real quick?" " yeah, what you need?" he replies with. I look at him, trying not to cry. I can't keep this a secret any more. "So basically."

growing up, I did not always have my mom in my life I stay in trouble nobody wanted to keep me except for my grandmother. I never had my dad either. My mom stays on drugs. Pops stayed in prison. Life was hell a grew up in a very poor neighborhood. In Barry farms. It was also dangerous. By the time that I was 12. My brother was always in juvenile. Little did I know I was going to follow behind his lead. My mom and dad met back up and have my little brother Alejandro. I was now off to high school. I went to Eleanor Roosevelt. I got put out of there. I set a trashcan on fire. My parents moved to Columbia. I went to long reach I was always made fun of, trash talked, Slut shamed. There I was in the 10th grade. I had the biggest crush on Chris we used to hang out in his basement with his friends. I know if I ever brought him home my parents would automatically kick him out. He failed the ninth grade the whole 4 years. But he was so sweet. He's then moved to North Carolina. I used to talk to him. But I was very lonely. All of the sudden his calls wasn't going through. I was told that he changed his number. We then lost contact. I then became a stripper. At a club in DC. It help me move into my new house. I gave up on myself. I started doing porn. I then went to a party. That night was the night all the happiness I had gone. I was highly intoxicated. I've den passed out. I then wake up blood everywhere my panties off in unfamiliar bedroom. I went crazy after that I will never be the same. Ive started dating this guy. It was so nice at first, then all the sudden mid relationship he became abusive and narcissistic. He raped me will let me be specific she used sexual coercion against me, which is a serious crime. Sexual coercion is when a person tries to make it seemed like you have to give them sex even if you don't want to. He wants told me if I didn't give him what he wanted. He would leave me and he was helping me hang on to life so I did I as he said. I've found out I was pregnant. Five months into the pregnancy. He comes home and beat the living shit out of me. I've seen blood. I thought I was going to die. I have managed to get out the house, but I passed out on the front lawn. Someone saw me and called the cops. I then found out I lost the baby. I was depressed. I don't even know why he hit me. He wanted me dead.

I finished off and look at Chris I did not know what to say. He tells me "it's ok don't worry I got you, I don't understand why woman have to go through all of this. If I ever catch that Nigga I'm a blow his shit and I'm dead ass" I lay on his chest and start crying he pats/rubs my back I felt so comfy and warm. His love makes me feel so warm he's so sweet for things like this I love him sm his love just makes the climax between us better i felt sm better since I told him

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