Chapter 5

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I woke up with beau's arms still wrapped around me. I was surprisingly comfortable, but my neck hurt.

"Beau!" I poked Beau in his man-boob (or his "moob" as I call it) "beau! Wake up!" I poked him again. His eyes fluttered open. He smiled then closed his eyes again.

"Beau," i complained "my neck hurts I want to move." He ignored me. I tried wiggling out of his grip but failed. He gripped me tighter and pulled me closer until there was absolutely no space in between us. His eyes shot open.

"You know, your eyes are gorgeous!" Beau said staring into my eyes. I fluttered my eyelashes and looked away. Beau rolled his eyes and kissed me on the nose. "Up!" Beau jumped out of bed. He was now in his boxers again.

"Beau..." I groaned.

"What?" Beau questioned me. I pointed my hand at his boxers. "Hey you didn't say I had to keep them on ALL night." I rolled my eyes and sat up in the bed.

"Today's the day." I winked at beau and jumped on his back.

"For what...?" He asked genuinely confused. I looked at him, "oh..." Beau wrapped his arms around my legs and reluctantly walked out into the hallway.

"You sure?" He stopped just before the kitchen. I nodded an hopped off of his back. My hands trembled and I could practically hear Beau's heart Beaton out of his chest. Why are we so nervous. I took Beau's hand and tugged at him to walk.

"Goodmorning." Jai didn't even look up from his food. But, James and Luke did and Luke's eyes shot daggers into me with the "what the fuck?" look. I felt Beau's grip tighten. I cleared my throat.

"We've got something to tell you guys." Now my grip tightened. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at us. I glanced at Beau.

"I'm pregnant."

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