Chapter 14

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Knowing he'd kill me if I just sat here, I decided my best choice was to run. I ripped the blanket off of our laps and ran for it. I tossed the blanket off to the side and made a beeline for my bedroom.

"ELIZABETH JANE PETERSON!" Jai bellowed in the loudest voice I've ever heard come out of that boy. I hated so much when he used my full name. I ducked into my bedroom and slammed the door shut, locking it as well.

"Jai what's wrong with you!" I punched the door. It pissed me off so bad that he called me by my full name. "Don't fucking call me by my full name, you dick!" I hit the back of the door again and unlocked it. I jerked it open and let it swing back and slam against the wall. Jai was standing at my door, covered in milk and cereal, his face had been contorted into the angriest thing is ever seen. I mirrored his anger.

"What is wrong with you!" Jai threw his hands up. I took a half step back, thinking he might try and hit me.

"What is wrong with you!" I yelled back, putting a finger up in face. I had to raise my arm quite a bit to do so, considering he's so much taller than me. "You know exactly how much I hate it when you call me by my full name." I shoved him away.

"What's wrong with me!? You dumped cereal on my head!" Jai stepped back to where he was before I shoved him.

"As a joke! Then you had to go and call me by my entire name!" I swung and tried to hit Jai in the shoulder. He grabbed me by the wrist before I could make contact with his arm. I tried to pull my hand away but failed.

"Why do you hate being called by your full name so much?" Jai asked sternly. I looked at him and clenched my jaw to keep from screaming at him. I kept quiet. "Fucking answer me!" He demanded. I softened my face. He'd never cussed at me before and I was hurt. My face hardened again when I remembered how pissed I was at him.

"Because I'm not a Peterson anymore!" I jerked my hand out of his grip and shoved Jai away from me again with a little too much force. He slammed into the wall behind him. "That's why! My dad was an asshole and fucking walked out on us! I don't want any trace of him in me and when you fucking call me by his last name it reminds me that part of him IS still with me!" I screamed at him. I whipped around and stepped back inside my room. "So fucking stop calling me that!" I slammed my door. Hard.

I heard a picture frame fall off the wall outside my door. Good. The picture outside my door was a picture of Jai. I clenched my fists and started pacing around my room. How dare he! How dare he question me! Who cares why I don't want to be called it. He should respect that I don't want to be called it and not call me by my full name! My dickhead father walked out on me and my pregnant mother. I could kill that man. In fact, I probably would if we ever came face to face. He abandoned me and I'll never forgive him for it. I stopped pacing when I heard a quiet knock on the door.

"What?" I asked angrily as I pulled the door open. Jai's face had dropped, his eyes directed toward the ground. I saw that flash of guilt in his eyes that I used to see when his mum would scold him. He took in a light breath.

"I'm sorry, Liz. I- I didn't realize." He said with a slight stutter. He started to rub the back of his hand with his thumb. He did that when he was nervous. I sighed and let my face soften. As much as I wanted to punch him right now, Jai was still my best friend. I'd never been able to stay mad at him for very long. He's sort of like a puppy. He whimpers at you and everything bad he's done just goes away. It's actually quite frustrating. One time he chased off this guy I really liked and I couldn't stay mad at him for more than a day and a half.

I sighed and stepped forward out of my room and into Jai's arms. I felt his hands spread out against my back and press me into his body. His warmth seeped into my skin and erased all traces of me ever being mad at him. His whimpering was over, forgiveness had started.

This particular embrace was extremely familiar to me. We get into arguments a lot and whenever we make up, he wraps me in this embrace. His hands pressed against my back, my arms around his waist, bodies so close and tightly intertwined, a crowbar couldn't tear us apart. He pressed his face against the skin at the base of my neck and I could feel his light breaths on my shoulder. They almost seemed to whisper an apology. I smile and pressed my cheek tighter against his chest and listened to the faint beating of his heart. All was forgiven.

"You forgive me?" Jai said, more in reassurance to himself rather than a question to me. His words rushed over my skin, so quiet, even someone standing next to the both of us wouldn't hear. I nodded and let out a small laugh. I could feel the sticky milk and cereal on his sweatshirt. I have to admit, I felt quite crappy at that moment for dumping it on him. And Ariana would be over soon. Crap! Ariana.


Hey guys! It's been awhile! I hope you guys are still enjoying this story :) it's lots of fun to write haha. I love you guys :P keep reading <3 xoxo






Helps me out a lot! *blows kiss*

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