Chapter 10

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Several hours later I decided to pull myself up off the floor. My eyes burned and my sides were sore. I was too used to this's not normal...

I slowly turned the doorknob of my door and pushed it open. The lights were on in my room but off in the rest of the house. I guessed it was pretty late.

I stepped out of my room and let my eyes adjust. It was silent, and I heard the steady breathing of a sleeping person. Or people. As my eyes adjusted, I saw four figures sprawled across the floor in the hallway. I couldn't suppress the small smile that tugged at the corners of my mouth.

I flicked the light switch and the lights flashed on. Five? Five boys? All five boys were in the hallway! Luke! I contained my excitement as Beau groaned and stretched. Beau realized that I was in the hall and jerked awake. He smacked Jai and James, who were closest to him, in their crotches.

I laughed slightly and sat down next to Beau. He slid his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him. I cuddle up next to him, snaked my arm around his waist and closed my eyes. My left hand rested on his chest and I could feel the steady thumping of his heart.

"How long have you guys been in the hall?" I inhaled Beau's scent and smiled.

"The whole time." Beau said groggily. His normal Aussie accent now riddled with large hints of sleepiness. I breathed heavily and smiled. I couldn't help but smile at his sleepy voice.

"The whole time?" I ran my hand down Beau's chest to his belly. I felt the ridges of his abs on my finger tips and slid my hand back up his chest. I heard Beau's breathy laugh. He pulled me even closer to him.

"Yes, the whole time. When I came in after putting the snake outside, I heard you yell at Jai and Daniel to fuck off, that's when I came and sat by your door." Speaking of Jai, I realized he was still moaning about "his nuts." Poor Jai. I couldn't help but laugh though. The boys were always messing with each other. Sometimes it was cute, other times really funny, and then sometimes, the boys just go too far.

"You've been here that whole time?" I looked up at Beau in disbelief. He simply closed his eyes and nodded. It felt like I couldn't breathe. It was so sweet. "And the other boys too? Even Luke?" Beau looked confused.

"The boys came a littler later, after I hadn't moved for about 2 hours. And yeah..? Why wouldn't Luke come?" I shrugged my shoulders and let out a deep breath.

"You're a cunt..." Jai moaned, directed at Beau. His hands were over his crotch and he had managed to get back up into a sitting position. James, on the other hand, seemed fine and had fallen back asleep. What a weirdo. I laughed at Jai and leaned my head against Beau's shoulder.

"Hey before Jai tells me not to, guess what?" Beau barely whispered into my ear. I lifted my head and faced him. I was silent but my eyes pleaded to hear what he had to say. Beau leaned in close to my face. "Guess who started dating Ariana Grande?" My eyes widened and I let a huge toothy grin take its place on my face.

"Awwwwe! Jai!" I broke away from Beau and wrapped my arms around Jai's neck causing him to loose his balance. We tumbled over, me still latched onto Jai. "Jai has a girlfriend! Jai has a girlfriend!" I chanted. Jai managed to get my arms off his neck and shoot Beau a death look. I laughed and ignored his anger.

"I told you not to tell her." Jai's jaw was clenched. I pulled Jai back down to the ground and sat on his lap with one leg on either side of him. I pinned him down with my elbows.

"My baby brother has a girly-friend!" I ruffled Jai's hair with my fingers and took my elbows off his shoulders. I was suddenly hyper. I smacked James and Daniel on the butts and told them to wake up.

"Fuck off..." Daniel mumbled settling his head comfortably again. I stood on my knees next to him with my hands on my hips.

"Excuse me! What was that, mister?" I smacked Daniel in the back of the head. "I said get your ass up, mister." I pinched Daniels ear and drug him up off the floor.

"Ow! Ow! Okay! I'm up, I'm up! Now release my ear before you tear it off!" Daniel pleaded, clawing at my hand. James had heard what was happening and was standing straight up. Beau and Jai soon followed after him. I got Daniel to do the same.

"Now, ladies," I strutted in front of the boys avoiding stepping on Luke. "I have a mission for you. Luke here thinks he can be the only one asleep and get away with it. I think we've all learned this lesson before." I looked at Beau who winked at me, obviously remembering dumping water on my head. I suppressed a smile and continued, "we must make sure he learns his lesson, and learns it well. I expect the most that we can do, to be done to him. I expect water, makeup, hair gel, and any sticky substance on this boy." I pointed my finger at Luke, who was still sound asleep.

Beau, Daniel, James, and Jai all nodded and scurried off to gather their weapons of choice. I trotted of into my room and grabbed my makeup basket. Including my favorite waterproof eyeliner and mascara that took FOREVER to get off. I laughed at my evilness and set the basket down next to Luke's head.

The boys came back with silly string, markers, glue sticks, cups of water, temporary hair dye, and butter. I raised my eyebrow at the butter in Daniel's hand. He gave me an evil smile and I trusted him. I rubbed my hands together maniacally and jerked my head toward Luke.

"Do your worst my soldiers." I whispered in the best man voice I could manage.


Yay! No crying in the chapter! Lol sorry about that in the before chapters haha

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