Chapter 18

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I stood over the kitchen. I was exhausted. I've never cried as much in a year as I have these past few weeks. I just wanted to get away for a bit. Go on a little mini vacation. Then come back to drama central. Hopefully it wouldn't be as bad though. I figured I'd call up my old friend Kayla. We hadn't hung out in so long, but we had talked about doing something together for awhile.

I picked up the kitchen phone and dialed the number. For some reason I was super anxious to make this call. I pressed talk and held the phone to my ear.

One ring. Okay that's normal.

Two rings. That's alright.

Three rings. Maybe she's busy?

Four rings. I guess I'll just hang up...

Five rings. "Hello?" A voice on the other line said.

"Oh. Uhm...hi." I smiled into the phone. "This is Lizzy. By chance is Kayla home?" I asked sweetly.

"Yeah," the voice said. "Just a moment." The phone was set down and I heard the faint voice call 'Kayla!' pretty loudly. I waited and after a moment or two the phone moved again.

"Hello?" Kayla's voice cooed.

"Hey Kay! It's Lizzy." I smiled again. She was my best friend before I came to live with the boys. After I moved in with them we couldn't see each other as often.

"Oh Lizzy. How've you been girly?" I heard her smile in her voice. She never had anything but a smile on her face. It was always so great because I could depend on her to make things better. She would always come to my window when I called her after my dad.... Point is she's the perfect person to go to for a happy experience.

"I've been alright. But Ive needing to get away from all my drama right now, and I was wondering if you wanted to go on that road trip we always talked about taking as kids?" I asked with blind hope. I hoped I wouldn't have to go all by myself. She stayed quiet for a minute.

"Sure! I'd love to. I don't have anything going on. So who's car we takin? How much should I pack? Where are we going?" So many questions.

"Slow down, Kay. Can we take your car? Mine has problems that I'm too broke to fix." I really was too broke too fix all the things on my car that needed fixing. And I certainly was not asking the boys for money. No sir. Not a chance. But I also didn't like that car at all. I avoided as much as humanly possible. Memories...Ew...

"Yeah. We can take my car. I finally got that pick up truck I always talked about. Remember?" I laughed a little. I did remember. She was dead set on getting a red pick up truck to drive.

"Thats awesome. So I was thinking we could go this weekend. Leave Friday, come back whenever."

"Sounds nice. I could always use the chance to get away from my family." She laughed at herself. "So where do you want to go?"

"I'm not sure. We could go camping. It's pretty warm out, maybe the lake?"

"OH MY GOD CAMPING! Yes! I will absolutely go camping with you!" She squealed down the line. Ouch.

"Mmkay. So wanna be back in town by Monday then?"

"Sho man." She did her little gangster thing. I would've thought she'd grow out of that.

"Alright." I laughed a little. "Pack food, clothes, a swim suit and whatever else you wanna take. Ill get the tent and some sleeping bags."

"Okay!" She said cheerily. "I'll pick you up Friday morning. Text me your address alright?"

"Okay. See ya then, Kay."

"See ya." I could hear her smile again. I heard a click and then a long beep. Finally. A break from the crazy in this house. I couldn't wait.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2014 ⏰

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