Chapter 11

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I stood back, hands on hips, and admired our work. Luke's face had gone from thin lips and perfect cheek bones to bright purple lips, flowers drawn in rainbow colors, soaking wet hair, sticky paper and tons of eye liner and mascara. I laughed at our evilness. Now to wait for Luke to wake up.

The smile faded from my face when I remembered Luke may be still mad at me. And I just made it worse...I frowned and looked at the ground. Shuffling past the boys, I bit my lip trying not to cry. I flipped on every single light switch on the way to the kitchen. I could taste metallic blood pooling in my mouth. I must've been biting my lip harder than I thought.

I spat out the blood in the kitchen sink and rinsed it down the drain. Blood in the sink...that used to be an all too familiar sight...

"Liz?" Beau came around the corner. "Are you okay?" His eyes were dark and concerned. I stopped leaning on the sink an forced myself to smile.

"Yeah!" I lied. "I'm just tired. And hungry. Do we have any Oreos?" I stumbled to the pantry to look for the cookies. Damn...there was none. I shrugged my shoulders and closed the pantry door. Beau didn't look convinced, but he decided to ignore it. Beau engulfed me in a warm hug and kissed my head.

"Let's go to bed." Beau whispered into my hair. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. Beau scooped me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I was suddenly exhausted, and the boys didn't look too great either. Luke was still asleep when we walked past him.

James, Daniel, and Jai all said goodnight to me and kissed me on the cheek. I felt terrible knowing how pissed off Luke would be when he woke up. I rested my head on Beau's shoulder and nuzzled his neck with my nose. Beau laughed slightly and opened the door to my room. I jerked awake.

"No." I said urgently. Beau looked confused and turned out of my room.

"Why love?" Beau readjusted me on his waist. I blushed and put my head back on his shoulder.

"No reason..." I breathed. I placed my lips lightly at the base of Beau's neck. I felt Beau shiver and run his hand down my leg. I smiled, I couldn't help but notice how familiar his touch was. I entangled my fingers in his hair as hi walked to his bedroom.

Beau laid me gently on his bed and cloned over me to lay down next to me. I propped myself up on my elbow and looked at Beau. His hair perfectly messed up, his golden-gray eyes staring back. I bit my lip and ran my fingers through the front of Beau's hair. I leaned in for a kiss, but, Beau pushed me onto my back gently and scooted up next to me. I felt his hot breath and inhaled deeply as Beau started to kiss my neck.

He worked his way down to my collar bones and kissed back up my neck. I was speechless. Beau sat up on his knees and brought me up with him. He slid his hand to the back of my neck and pulled me close to his face. I stared Beau in the eyes. I could almost sense the lust in his body. I guessed he sensed it too. He laughed a breathy laugh and shifted his head. I couldn't stand it. That little tease...

I pushed my lips against his, a little more forceful than planned. Beau tumbled backward and I landed on top of him. I couldn't get enough of him. I intertwined my fingers in his hair and held his head in place. Our lips moved in sync as he adjusted me so he could sit back up. Beau pulled me onto his lap and wrapped my legs around his waist. This was familiar.

Beau spread his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled in between a kiss. I felt beau slide his hands under my shirt. The touch of his hands on my skin surprised me. I pulled away and moved down to the base of his neck. Kissing it gently every so often. Beau began to slide my shirt up higher and higher. I jerked away from Beau and placed my hands on his.

"I-I don't t-think I'm r-ready for that j-just yet." I stuttered. I felt my face go hot and I looked down at my hands which were now in my lap. "Im sorry." I glanced back up at Beau and saw the disappointment on his face. I felt bad, but it was true. I wasn't ready. Not yet anyway.

I climbed off of Beau's lap and laid down on his bed. Beau sighed and laid down behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me as close to his body as I could be. Beau kissed my cheek, then my jawline right below my ear. My weakness...that butthead...

My breath hitched and Beau laughed quietly at his little victory.

"I wish you were..." Beau whispered quietly into my ear. He laid his head down and started to drift into sleep. I state awake long enough to hear his steady breathing that indicated he was asleep. I thought about how I may love him. Maybe....I wished I was ready too...


Ooh! Another steamy chapter haha that could've led to something ;)

Oh well

Sorry to my more pervy fans who like that stuff. Maybe it'll happen?

Love you guys! Comment, vote, follow!


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