Chapter 13

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***Hey guys! I am so sorry that it has been like....I don't even know. It's been so long since I updated this story. I've started new stories, I've been reading some stories. I just could not think of what to write for this chapter! But I finally got some inspiration! Plus my friends convinced me not to delete this story. So enjoy! Hopefully you guys still want to read this :)***


I flipped over onto my stomach and buried my face in the couch. All of a sudden I got really hungry. I jumped up off the couch and skipped into the kitchen where Jai was making himself a bowl of cereal. I skipped up behind him and took the bowl.

"Why, thank you! How did you know I was hungry?" I said to him sweetly. Jai grabbed at the bowl in my hands. I gasped at him and shook my one finger in his face. "No. No. No. Bad Jai. Only Luke is supposed to be the bad boy." I tapped him on the nose with the spoon and put it in the bowl bringing a spoonful of cereal to my mouth. He grabbed at the spoon in my mouth and snatched it away.

"Jai!" I screeched at an alarming pitch. Jai brought a hand to his ear.

"Jesus the hell do you get your voice that high?" Jai smacked me on the thigh with the spoon then threw it into the sink to annoy me. I shot him a look and set the bowl down on the table.

"You took. My. Spoon." I stepped closer to him with each word until our noses we're almost touching. I furrowed my eyebrows together in forced, almost fake, anger.

"You love me." Jai pinched my cheek and placed a quick kiss on my nose then. ran out of the room. I stood there for a moment, a bit confused on what just happened. Then shrugged it off. It was Jai. He's my baby brother! I grabbed the bowl of cereal off the table and held it in one hand.

"Thanks Jai!" I called out in annoyance, basically to myself since I had no idea where he'd gone. "Now I have to get another spoon." I opened the silver wear drawer and noisily grabbed a spoon out then shut the drawer with my hip. Walking into the living room, I saw Jai sitting on the couch, mesmerized by the TV.

"You're welcome." Jai cooed, not bothering to look away from the screen. I sat down next to Jai and pulled the blanket hanging on the back of the couch over our laps. He had spongebob on. I laughed and shook my head. I remember when I had to move in here with the boys 4 years ago, this was my favorite show. I was awkward around the boys at first because I didn't know them very well, so I spent a lot of time on this couch watching this show. Eventually, Jai started to sit and watch it with me. That's how we became such good friends. Through our mutual love of a sponge. We still laugh at the fact that a fictional character brought is together.

"You're a butthead." I said into my cereal bowl. Jai still didn't look away from the TV screen. He just quickly asked why and kept the blank expression on his face. "Because," I started, "you stole my spoon, then you come in here and put on our favorite show. I think you're kissing up." I made a kissy face at him then went back to eating my cereal.

"I'm not kissing up." Jai said, finally looking away from the screen. "I like spongebob." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you still stole my spoon." I said, an evil twang in my voice. "And I haven't quite forgiven you yet." Jai looked at me in confusion just before I lifted my cereal bowl and dumped the rest of its contents onto his head.

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