Chapter 15

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"Oh my god, Jai." I broke our hug. I pulled Jai by his hand to the bathroom. "You've gotta shower, and change, and oh my god. I'm so sorry. Ariana. I forgot." I pulled his shirt off over his head.

"Geez, Liz. Calm down." Jai took the shirt from my hands. "Quit trying to undress me. I'm a big boy. But thank you. I forgot she was coming over." I nodded and walked over to the shower.

"I'll be downstairs." I turned the water on, planted a kiss on Jai's cheek, and walked out into the hall. The door clicked closed behind me and I made a beeline for the living room. I grabbed a towel out of a laundry basket, that will probably remain unfolded, and cleaned up the cereal that was all over our hard wood flooring. The couch was still a mess, but I guess I couldn't do much about that. I grabbed the blanket we were sitting under and the towel and threw them in the laundry room. I stepped back for a minute. The whole house was a disaster. Ariana would be here soon. Damn. I hopped back upstairs skipping every other step. Jai peeked his head out from around the corner of the door.

"Damn." He said. "I didn't know such a little person could make such a loud noise coming up the stairs." His hair dripped on to the carpeted hallway. I rolled my eyes and pointed a finger at him, telling him to get back in the shower. He closed the door and I heard him pull the shower curtain closed. I shut all of the bedroom doors upstairs and went to the bathroom to check on Jai.

"Hurry, love." I urged him, "I need your help cleaning up. She is your girlfriend after all." Jai turned the water off and stuck his arm out of the shower. He grabbed a towel off of the toilet then flung open the curtain. I half expected him to be standing there naked, but he wasn't. He had the towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was completely soaked and dripping down onto his shoulders.

"I'm done." he stated simply while stepping out of the tub. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. This was so weird. I've seen him like this before. I've seen him naked before for god's sake. But something was different right now. I mean, I knew he'd been going to the gym with the other boys, but wow. I shook my head. Hopefully he didn't notice me basically checking him out.

"You okay, Liz?" Jai walked toward me. "Your eyes are bugging out of your head." He let out a small laugh. He kissed my forehead, getting me all wet, then pushed passed me into his room. It took everything in me not to follow him in there. God. Why was I feeling this way. I've only ever thought of Jai as a brother. Nothing more. So why now? Why as soon as I start dating his older brother?

His door slid closed and I let out a breath I don't know I was holding. What just happened?

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