Chapter 12

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First off, sorry about all the mistakes in the last chapter. I forgot to proofread. Dumb me -.-' I'll proofread this one I promise!!


I woke with a start and jerked myself out of bed. Again...I was alone. Do I sleep really long or do people really hate sleeping with me? I groaned and collapsed on the floor in a heap of exhaustion and rolled toward the door.

"Daaaaniel!!!" I called. My face in the rug, so the sound was muffled. I flung my arm up off the ground and let it land on jthe door, slapping it hard. "Daniel!" I called again.

The door opened and my arm fell on someone's bare feet. I gazed upward and my eyes were met by a disturbing sight.

"Oh god Jai!" I muttered rolling away from him, hands over my eyes. "Wear some boxers that fit! I can see right up those!" I pretended to gag and propped myself up on one elbow.

"You know what!?!" Jai yelled playfully. He slipped his thumbs into his boxers. "I will pull then down!" He threatened.

My eyes widened. "No! Dear lord no!" Jai started to slip his boxers off over his hips.

"Better run Leprechaun." Jai flashed an evilly-playful grin at me. I slapped my hands over my eyes and tried to get up and run out the door. I was unsuccessful...

Jai grabbed me by the waist and flung me over his shoulder. "I'm taking you captive!" Jai said with an evil laugh at the end. I thrashed and tried to get free.

"No! Don't do dirty things to me you evil Aussie!" I bit Jai's back and smacked him on the butt.

"Violent are we?" Jai laughed. And trotted into the living room. He dropped me on the couch and proceeded to sit on my stomach.

"Oh god! Jai! You're fat! Get your butt off of me!" I tried to push Jai off me and tried to hit him in the crotch.

"Hey! Not the boys!" Jai grabbed my hand and slapped it onto my forehead....repeatedly.....

"Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?" Jai taunted.

"You. Are. A. Butthead." I muttered between slaps to my forehead. "Where's Daniel?" I asked after another slap.

"I don't know." Jai slapped me with my hand again. "But Luke was looking for you." Luke?

"Luke? Why?" I asked Jai. He slapped me again. "Isn't this getting old yet?" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know. And no. It's not." He narrowed his eyes at me and slapped me again. I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Do you know anything?" I laughed. "And get off, butthead!" I kneed Jai in the butt and pushed him onto the floor. I pushed myself up onto my elbows and crossed my eyes at Jai.

"Where's Luke?" I asked.

"I don't know."

"How can you not know?" I gave him my "you're-a-dumb-ass" face.

"I just don't." Jai shrugged his shoulders. "Beau will be home soon. And Ariana is coming over." Jai gave me a stern look. "Be nice. And don't fangirl." He told me. I smacked my hand over my heart and let my mouth drop open.

"Me!? Fangirl? Never!"

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes at me and stood up. "Just try to behave please? Treat her like a person. Not a celebrity, Kay?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Fine..." I stuck my tongue out at Jai and let myself flop back down onto the couch. "Jaaaai!" I called lazily after he'd left the room.

"What?" Jai yelled back at me.

"How'd you get the scar of your upper lip?"

"Dog bite."

"Ah. Jai!" I called again.


"You're a cunt."

"Love you too." Jai called. I laughed. If any of the boys would've called him that he would've blown his top and cursed them out. I love being the "little sister" around here.


God! This chapter took me forever to write...I was so not motivated -.-'

Not the best lol

Yay! Ariana is going to be introduced into the story! So essited!

Hope you liked it (I proofread this time! XD)


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