Final Performance

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The episode opens with a flashback, as we see the League, with the exception of Dabi, making their way towards a mansion under the light of a full moon. As Compress begins to narrate, he reflects, 'No one asked about my past. It was a gathering of crooked, self-serving people. Even so, I...'

"Why is this showing us this now? Just take us back to the battlefield," Bakugo grumbled, not really interested in watching what these villains were doing in the past.

"Bakugo, even if you are not interested in this, that doesn't make what they are showing on the screen useless," Aizawa said. "Instead, you should keep your eyes sharp for whatever information you gather from the League's actions or words."

Upon entering the mansion, the League found themselves confronting a mysterious gathering of individuals clad in black robes, their faces concealed by eerie skull masks. One of them inquired, "Why have you entered this residence? Did you come here knowing who we were?"

"The Creature Rejection Clan, also known as the CRC," Spinner retorted with a voice that was tinged with both resentment and disdain. "You're like living fossils. You bastards discriminate against heteromorphs and commit violent acts against them. Right?"

"Ugh! These freaks!" Rumi growled and appeared visibly disgusted upon discovering the identity of the individuals in black robes. "Of course, they're hiding in this dark, abandoned house like the vermin they are."

And Rumi wasn't the only one disgusted by the CRC. Anyone familiar with The Creature Rejection Clan, their irrational hatred toward heteromorphs, and their gruesome rituals involving the torture and sacrifice of individuals with heteromorphic physical features and quirks in the name of societal purification, human supremacy, and so forth... couldn't help but show their disgust as well.

Whispers and murmurs erupted among the cultists: "There's a lizard," "How repulsive..." as their attention focused on Spinner and his quirk-induced, lizard-like appearance. 

"What is wrong with these people!?" Setsuna yelled, glaring at the screen. "They're really saying all those horrible things just because of his appearance."

"This is what the Creature Rejection Clan is," Ryukyu explained calmly, though her voice carried a hint of anger and disgust. "A bunch of vile people who are delusional enough to believe that people with heteromorphic features and quirks are tainting the earth. And that's not all. They also organize and carry out coordinated attacks on heroes with heteromorphic quirks, shouting slurs and a lot of random but disgusting things at you during the fight."

"So how do you deal with them 'ribbit'?" Tsu asked.

"Just like you deal with any other villain," Rumi shrugged. "There isn't much you can do aside from giving them an extra punch or two. So most of the time, you just have to ignore their nonsense and act like a hero, even when you might want to snap their neck or rip their throat out."

Then, in an abrupt and collective moment of realization, one of them exclaimed, "Wait! They're the League of Villains!"

Compress then explained to them that they were here to steal anything valuable and expensive, as they were a little short on cash and had no other choice but to rob them.

"It seems to be from before the League merged with the MLA," Hawks remarked. "I distinctly recall Dabi mentioning raiding a villain hideout or something along those lines during one of my earlier encounters with him."

Enraged by the League's attempt to defile their 'sacred' ground, a CRC member lunged at the League. However, before he could make contact, Shigaraki's hand was already on his face. "We'll leave after we finish what we came here to do. If you don't want us to stay long, then don't get in our way," Shigaraki said as the man crumbled to dust, and the rest of the League prepared their weapons for the fight.

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