Chapter 3: Potion Problems

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McGonagall moves down the table as we eat, passing out our course schedules. When she tries to hand me mine, I have to quickly jam my scone in my mouth and wipe butter off my hands to take it. I think she gives me a tiny frown (maybe even an eye roll – leave it to Professor McGonagall) before moving on to Em, who, like a good girl, already has clean hands and an empty mouth so that she can smile and thank Professor McGonagall.

I bet McGonagall's been wishing since last night Dumbledore chose a different Head Girl.

After I locked eyes with her last night in the Great Hall, she'd given me that steely gaze she does when you accidentally swap your hair with your neighbor's during Switching Spell practice. Not that that's ever happened to me. Whatever. It was one time. Marlene put us back all right real quick.

In any case, she – Minerva McGonagall, that is -- was not happy. About my argument with Potter.

Professor Dumbledore had been harder to read. In the end, I'd given them a little wave and self-conscious smile, then tried to not look like I was trying not to sprint out of the Great Hall. That was probably a mistake. I'd meant to ask Professor Dumbledore when we'd meet about our Head duties, but in my humiliation, I'd forgotten, and now this morning he's missing from the staff table. I make a mental note to approach him as soon as he's back because now I also want to ask him about that grim Sorting song.

I glance over my schedule and my stomach twists, nothing to do with the huge mouthful of scone I just swallowed, or my disastrous previous evening.

Double Potions first. I'd hoped to have at least something of a buffer before I'd have to face... well. Let's just say I'm not looking forward to this at all.

"Let's see, let's see!" Marlene snatches my schedule from my hand to compare to hers. Once again, we probably won't have too many classes all together this year. Alice and I share the majority of our subjects, but Em's and Marlene's interests don't align so much.

Emmeline and Alice lean over Marlene's shoulder, holding out their own schedules as well.

"Ooh!" Alice squeals happily. "We all have Defense Against the Dark Arts together! And Transfiguration!"

"That's hardly a surprise," Marlene huffs. "You and Lily are really continuing with Ancient Runes this year? And Emmeline -- Arithmancy? Really?"

"I like it!" Emmeline says, a little defensively. "Not all of us are suited for Care of Magical Creatures."

We stare at the schedules some more. It's Alice who notices first.

"Lily? Double Potions? Right after breakfast?"

Three pairs of wide, worried eyes turn to me. Of all my mates it's only me who takes NEWT level Potions. I manage a weak smile.

"Pretty lucky I get to start the year off with one of my favorites, right?"

"Lily, you going to be okay?" Alice asks.

"Of course I am!" I wave a hand in the air breezily, as if sweeping away her worry.

"Are you sure?" Her eyebrows are raised skeptically. "Because you're not saying much or complaining about how you'll have to deal with Potter the first thing today."

Of course I'd told them all last night about our shouting match over the Gryffindor table. Emmeline had been appalled ("Lily! You didn't! And in front of everyone --!"). Marlene had to keep herself from laughing ("Merlin, I can't believe I missed this!). Alice shook her head and sided with Potter ("He's right, though, Lily. You've got to get over this." I'm still a little miffed about that).

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