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Dear Reader,

WOW. If you are reading this... THANK YOU. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.

Writing a book has been a goal for me my whole life, and to have written two now and have people (outside my parents lol) read them and love them? I truly could not be happier. I started writing Lily Evans and the Marauder's Secrets way back in 2016, but set it aside after just a couple chapters because it seemed too daunting to finish it and unimportant to write it, anyways. It was just a fanfiction idea. It wasn't a 'real' book.

I didn't write anything again after that.

Flashforward to May 2022 when I opened up the document again. Just because. Read what I'd written back when writing had been so important to me and I'd loved this world and these characters so much.

And just like that, I was sucked back in.

And this time, I was determined to finish.

This journey over the last two years has taught me SO MUCH about writing, getting feedback, research, and setting goals. I've connected with so many wonderful creative wise people along the way, and consider myself a writer now more than ever.

And I have you, my wonderful lovely kind FUNNY readers! I can't express to you how much your comments made my day and inspired me to keep working, keep writing, and keep posting. If you've left me a comment, there's a VERY good chance it's been seen by lots of other people because I LOVED sharing your enthusiasm with my writing group, friends, and family. When I posted a new chapter, I got excited knowing you would get to read it and nervous because I hoped you would love where the story was going! It's been SO fun to have this community, so thank you for being a part of it :) <3

And now... moving forward.

The sad news is that it's unlikely I will take on another big HP fic project like this again. I poured my heart and soul into this two part fic and I cannot express how much the Wizarding World means to me and how much I love love LOVE these characters. However, in writing here, I've been inspired to start creating my own worlds and my own characters, and that's where my writing time and energy will be focused now. There's a chance I might pop on here every now and then with some bonus content (writing James's POV is my comfort zone haha!), but this fic is officially done <3

If you are interested in keeping up with me and my other creative journeys, I have an art Instagram account @honeyscribbles (where I post a fair amount of Lily and James fan art lol) and a Threads account where I post more writing-related things, also @honeyscribbles.

Thanks for sticking this out, until the very end <3


Rissa (honeyscribbles)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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