Chapter 1

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_____________________________________________ ⚠️Warning This story features abdl/little space, aliens, kidnapping, mental and medical brutal treatment, and all characters are no less than 18 years old, even when mentally regressed⚠️__________________________

In the year 2125 was when everything changed forever. People had been seeing strange lights in the Sky's for years. Not really knowing what they were until that one night. 21st December 2125.
An enormous spacecraft appeared in the sky and hovered above the city.

Feeling like they had nothing to lose, humanity chose to make contact with the alien visitors. Governments mobilized their forces, sending out armies, navies, and all available spacecraft to address the situation.
The world was under attack! Alien forces had landed and were rapidly spreading across the planet.

The human race was in peril and needed to rally its forces to defend against the onslaught. Governments around the world called on all citizens to help in the fight everyone had a role to play in defeating the aliens. The military launched counter-attacks and deployed advanced weapons, while scientists worked to unravel the creatures' strange technology. But even these efforts where not enough to save us.

It was the start of what my grandpa called the shortest war in history. It only took 1 week for the aliens to lay waste to all governments. By the time the week was over millions had been killed. family's that did run had nowhere to run to.

The aliens were everywhere they took power. Formed new governments, new police force and then the new laws. started coming in before the new year.

The first law was anyone that could not have children were to be set to work camps there they would build new building in return would be looked after given food and health care.

But if anyone revolted it was certain death. Then once every single man and woman that could not carry or have the seed to make baby's was removed the next law came in.

This was harsh for every single person on earth. The law was that no person was allowed a job unless the regional gov assigned them a job in which they would be paid no more than 5 per day of work in the aliens currancy.

Every new baby is given a peculiar stone at birth, and the stone glows a colour to symbolise where the child will go when they become 18 years of age.

White ( breeder )
Orange (pet)
Pink (slave)
Blue (little)

All I know is if your assignment is breeder your taken to a new village and partnered with someone you have no say and must produce as many baby's as possible.

My name is Alex.
Im 4 foot 5 with brown hair and brown eyes I'm turning 18 at the end of this month. I look so young Due to malnutrition. Only having bread and sometimes vegetable soup.

I had grown up with my grandpa and  siblings, but now I'm an orphan. Grandpa is all I have left.

My last two siblings were twins. The day they turned 18, aliens abducted them, and the last time I saw them was when they were waving goodbye from the back of the aliens car.

I felt lost after they were taken away, and I relied on my grandpa more than ever. He became my rock and my source of support and comfort. He deflected all the questions I had about what happened to the twins and just told me that we were the lucky ones, and I should be grateful for what I have.

My grandpa was getting on in years but still had his vitality and wits about him. He filled my life with stories about the old days, and talking about them made me feel connected to the generations that had come before me. I learned how to farm, to hunt, and so much more from him. We still have lively debates about a variety of topics and even laugh a lot when we are together.

Grandpa is my only family now. He comforts me when I feel lost and I take care of him the best as I can. We’re two lone survivors, doing our best and living our life in the best we can.

The year is now 2210 it's July and its my 18th birthday at the end of this month. Is a hot month and I know the fun is coming to an end. While I can, my buddies and I are going to have as much fun as we possibly can in this tiny town that we are not permitted to leave.We walked to the outskirts of town, anxious to get away from the stresses of the outside world. Ready to have a good time before the big day? We laughed and joked as we walked about the neighbourhood, taking in the views of the small town. We splashed in the river, laughed at the local wildlife's antics, and found a peaceful area to watch the sunset.

We all bid our goodbyes after sunset. I carefully made my way back to Grandpa, odd thoughts racing through my mind about what colour my stone would be and what my life will be like after.


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