Chapter 15

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Alex's POV

I wake up in my cozy crib, snuggled up with my favorite Beany Bear. I can hear my mommy bustling around in her room, getting ready for the day. My tummy rumbles, and I hope she hurries up because I'm feeling hungry. Time feels like it's going so slow, and she still hasn't come to get me. I start to feel frustrated, and before I know it, tears start to fall. But then, like magic, my mommy rushes in, scoops me up with so much love, and carries me to the changing table while talking to me.

"Good morning, my little peanut! Mommy is going to dress you up all fancy because we're going to meet your grandparents, uncles, and auntie today. They are so excited to finally meet you!"

Mommy changes my diaper and then picks me up, walking over to her chair in my room. She starts to feed me her special milk, and as I drink from her boob, I play with her hair, feeling so close and loved.

As I lay in my mommy's arms, I feel so safe and cozy. The chair gently rocks back and forth, making me feel all calm and peaceful. Mommy's hugs are so warm and her touch is so soft. The room feels so peaceful, like a special place just for us. I feel so connected to mommy as I drink her warm milk. It's not just about filling my tummy, it's about the love and care she gives me.

While I take sips from mommy's special milk, I can't help but explore the big world around me with my curious little fingers. I love to play with her soft hair, it feels so nice and smooth as it slips through my tiny hands. It's like a fun game of discovery, where I get to learn about everything and feel closer to mommy.

After I finish my yummy meal, mommy quickly gets me all ready and then we go on a special adventure in the car. Sometimes I get a little restless, but then mommy puts on something magical that tells me stories. Before I know it, I must have fallen asleep because I wake up to a different voice saying, "Where is my precious grandbaby?"

Suddenly, a lady who looks like a grandma appears in front of me. She has the same eyes as mommy and she gently lifts me out of my cozy car seat. There's a man who looks like a grandpa standing at the door, and he reminds me of someone, but I can't quite remember who. On one side of the grandpa, there are two boys who look exactly the same, like they could be twins! And on the other side, there's an older lady who is not as old as the lady carrying me, but definitely older than mommy.

After being carried into grandma's house, both grandma and my auntie couldn't resist pinching my cheeks and giving me kisses all over my face. It became overwhelming for me, and I couldn't help but burst into tears.

After grandma calmed me down I head her say "Oh, sweetheart, it's not just about Alex eating it. It's about creating memories and traditions for our little one. We want to make this Christmas extra special for him."

Then I hear mommy's voice "But mom, we never done this before even. When Paul and Robert arrived. Its was an Earth tradition.You don't need to go overboard with baking and all that. It's not like Alex will even remember it".

Out of nowhere, a big, booming voice startled me and made me jump and cry. "Enough with the bickering, both of you! Christmas is a time for traditions, and we're going to bring back the joy and magic of the holiday. So, let's put our differences aside and make this a memorable Christmas for everyone."

At the sound of my mommy's voice I start to calm down.  "You know what, Mom? You were right all along. Let's make this Christmas an extraordinary one for Alex. We'll bake cookies, deck the halls, and establish traditions that he can pass down to his own family someday."

Grandma laughing "I knew you'd come around, my dear. Let's kick things off with a gingerbread recipe. We'll turn it into a family affair, with everyone lending a hand and creating something truly enchanting."

Mommy and grandad were unrolling something while grandma was having me gently push on some shapes in squishy stuff like a reindeer, snowflakes, and Christmas trees. They were all singing along to some weird songs that were playing.

Paul and Robert, the twins, were busy hanging things from the ceiling. As I looked up at them, I saw that the things they were hanging were all different colors. Some of them even looked like they were turning into icicles! It was such a fascinating sight.

Grandma seemed to be enjoying the decorations too. She said, "I think my grandbaby likes the streamers." I giggled being so fascinated by the colorful streamers. Grandma then asked Paul to turn on the lights. Paul, the tall boy with brown hair and blond streaks, stood up and flicked a switch. Suddenly, the room was filled with a magical display of colors!

I couldn't help but turn my head in all different directions to take in the beauty of the lights. In one corner of the room, there was a tree. Grandad was walking around it, carefully placing lights on its branches. And there was Paul, or maybe it was Robert, placing round colored balls on the tree. It was such a joyful scene.

After what felt like I had been watching everyone make the tree beautiful, it was finally finished! It was so incredible, but I was having a hard time keeping my little eyes open.

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