Chapter 6

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The surgeon: "Alex will be subjected to a series of surgeries to enhance his desirability in the auction."

Hearing the surgeon's remarks sent shivers up my spine. The prospect of undergoing unneeded operations for the sake of appearances was very alarming.

I was filled with rage at the surgeon, who seemed to regard me as nothing more than a commodity to be manipulated. His remarks dehumanised me, reducing me to a mere object to be enhanced for a twisted auction.

I felt helpless, bound to this bed, unable to avert the horrors that lay ahead. I'm afraid I'll be unrecognisable after the procedures, that I'll be a prisoner within my own body for the rest of my life. I wanted to shout, I wanted to cry, but I fought back the tears knowing it was pointless.

My heart was hammering in my chest as I lay on the surgical table. I was surrounded by a group of surgeons wearing scrubs and masks. The room was cold and sterile, filled with the hushed whispers of the medical professionals and the beeping of machinery.

My gaze flew around the room, taking in everything. The walls were a light green, and the floor was a slick linoleum. There were numerous enormous stainless steel tables with various medical instruments on them. The operating table was illuminated by a brilliant overhead light, spreading lengthy shadows throughout the room.

I looked around at the surgeons who had gathered. I couldn't see their faces because they were all wearing masks, but I could tell they were concentrated and motivated. One of the surgeons held a knife, while the other held something.

A wave of fear washed over me. I wasn't looking forward to being here. I wished I could go back home and play that dumb card game with Grandad.

One of the individuals approached me and introduced himself as Dr. Smith. He had a pleasant appearance and a nice voice. Dr. Smith said that he would administer anaesthesia to put me to sleep during the procedure.
Everything went black.

Dr.  Smiths POV

Dr. Jelly made an incision in the boy's skin with the knife. Alex's skin gets grafted with newer, fresher skin. This will make his skin appear smoother and younger. It just took our staff 30 minutes to do this task.

Dr. Jelly: "well that's the skin graft Dr. Hildabrew can you start the hair removal lasers now"

Hildabrew, Dr. "of course the lasers will only take 5 minutes on such a small boy".

The next phase of the procedure begins after the lasers have passed over the areas of the baby's body where there cannot be hair.

Alex's bones are shattered and rebuilt, and his legs are caped by cutting the muscles away to prevent him from walking or crawling, The surgeons worked quickly and efficiently, their hands moving with precision. giving him the appearance of a newborn. This is done to enhance the number of possible buyers.

After what seemed like an eternity, the surgery was over. The surgeons carefully stitched up the boy's incision and then covered it with a bandage.

"we all did great," one of the surgeons said.  They then wheeled him out of the operating room and into a recovery room.

In addition to the physical operations, Alex is also subjected to psychological conditioning. This is designed to make him more docile and submissive, making him easier to control and less likely to rebel.

Hypnosis: Alex is hypnotized and given suggestions that will make him more obedient and compliant. These suggestions will also make him more susceptible to being a newborn.

After an hour with the hypnosis Dr. Trell. "Hypnosis session is complete. Patient is now more receptive to suggestions."

Then two new Dr's Wilfrid and yamostsa enter the recovery room. To perform the Memory manipulation: Alex's memories are manipulated to make him forget about his past life on Earth. This will make him easier to accept his new role.

This one is the longest, lasting 3 hours when I finally hear Dr. Yamostsa say, "Memory manipulation is complete." "The patient has no recollection of his previous life."

Finally, just before he's supposed to wake up and require a bottle and diaper change, I'm to administer a medicine that will make him even more docile, bringing all feelings to the surface. Stop his voice, render him completely incontinent, and assist him in a little place.

As soon as I inject Alex, he wakes and stares me up with a gaze that might kill. When I pick him up in my arms to bottle feed him, he tries to communicate but only makes small baby noises. After feeding him I then changed his diaper, placing him back into the crib to sleep.

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