Chapter 14

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It's hard to believe that it's been more than four months since I brought my precious baby boy home from the hospital after the hypnosis. Now, the time has finally come for him to meet my family, who have been eagerly anticipating this moment. The excitement in the air is palpable as I prepare to introduce Alex to his extended family.

As I carefully dress Alex in his adorable little jeans, a checkered shirt, and the tiniest high top shoes you've ever seen, I can't help but marvel at how quickly he's growing. It's amazing how something so small can bring so much joy and love into my life. With each button and shoelace, I can't help but feel a surge of anticipation for the memories that await us at my parents' house.

To keep Alex entertained and content during the drive, I decide to play some story time for him. The soothing voices and enchanting tales fill the car, creating a peaceful atmosphere. As I steal glances at him in the rearview mirror, I can see his eyes light up with curiosity and wonder. It's moments like these that remind me of the incredible journey we're embarking on as a family, and I can't wait to see the joy on my family's faces when they finally meet my little bundle of happiness.

As I arrived at my parents' home a magnificent sight unfolded before my eyes. Perched atop a gentle hill, their humble home took the form of a rustic log cabin, exuding an air of timeless elegance. The cabin overlooked the serene Kaylern Lake, its tranquil waters reflecting the ethereal beauty of the surroundings. The landscape was adorned with a mesmerizing array of Purple Ghost trees, their leaves boasting a vibrant shade of regal purple. Alongside them stood the majestic Snakebark trees, their foliage ablaze with a captivating orange hue. Adding to this kaleidoscope of colors were the Rainbow Gum trees, their towering presence adorned with leaves of various shades, which seemed to emit a mesmerizing glow in the darkness. Completing this enchanting panorama were the sky blue Kaye trees, their resplendent blue leaves casting a spellbinding aura. It's amazing how we overlook the beauty of our home, where we took our first steps and made our earliest memories.

As soon as I brought the car to a halt, there was no need for me to raise my voice or honk the horn. Before I even stepped out of the vehicle, I caught sight of my father swinging the door open. Following him, my mother, two brothers, and sister emerged from the car. My mother hurried towards me, her eyes filled with anticipation, and exclaimed, "Where is my precious grandbaby?"

As I watched my mom carefully unbuckle Alex from his car seat, I couldn't help but notice her bewildered expression. Her hair was still neatly tucked under a hair net, and she wore her trusty apron, which was now covered in what I assumed to be flour. I could tell she had been baking non-stop for days ever since I mentioned that we were coming to visit. It seemed like the holiday spirit had taken over our household.

As my dad diligently assembled the crib and my two brothers arranged the changing table in my childhood room, my mother and sister were completely smitten with baby Alex. They couldn't resist pinching his adorable cheeks and showering him with kisses, even though he was crying his little heart out the entire time.

My mother glanced at me, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. She must have seen the look on my face seeing the kitchen and replied, "Oh, sweetheart, it's not just about Alex eating it. It's about creating memories and traditions for our little one. We want to make this Christmas extra special for him."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at my mother's explanation. "But mom, we never done this before even. When Paul and Robert arrived. Its was an Earth tradition.You don't need to go overboard with baking and all that. It's not like Alex will even remember it."

Just as I finished my sentence, my father walked into the room, his voice filled with authority. "Enough with the bickering, both of you! Christmas is a time for traditions, and we're going to bring back the joy and magic of the holiday. So, let's put our differences aside and make this a memorable Christmas for everyone."

As my father's words echoed in the room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and warmth. Maybe my parents were right. Perhaps it was time to embrace the traditions that had been passed down through generations Even if it was on a different planet. After all, Christmas was about more than just the presents and the food. It was about coming together as a family, creating lasting memories, and cherishing the love and joy that filled the air during this magical time of the year.

With newfound determination coursing through my veins, I turned to my mother and flashed her a bright smile. "You know what, Mom? You were right all along. Let's make this Christmas an extraordinary one for Alex. We'll bake cookies, deck the halls, and establish traditions that he can pass down to his own family someday."

My mother's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she reached for a well-worn recipe book on the shelf. "I knew you'd come around, my dear. Let's kick things off with a gingerbread recipe. We'll turn it into a family affair, with everyone lending a hand and creating something truly enchanting."

And so, the preparations commenced. The kitchen became a hub of joyous laughter and the tantalizing scent of freshly baked cookies. My father and I rolled out the dough, while my mother guided Alex in carefully shaping reindeer, snowflakes, and Christmas trees with cookie cutters. The melodies of Christmas carols filled the air, as we sang along and twirled around the kitchen in merriment.

As the cookies baked in the oven, we shifted our focus to adorning the house. We strung twinkling lights, embellished the tree with ornaments my dad had just purchased yesterday. The house underwent a magical transformation, becoming a winter wonderland brimming with the essence of Christmas.

While my father busied himself with adding lights to the exterior, I decided it was time for Alex to have a bottle and be tucked into bed.

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