Chapter 2

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Walking through the streets, it's a stark reminder of how things have changed. The towering shipping containers, once used for transporting goods, have now become makeshift homes for families. after the war, the aliens intervened and implemented this new living arrangement. It may be unconventional, but it's what we have now. These containers have been modified with cut-out windows and stacked on top of each other, connected by old fire escape stairs, providing access to each level.

As I walked home in the dim light of the early morning, a sense of anticipation and curiosity filled my mind. Thoughts raced through my head, specifically about my upcoming birthday and the visit from the regional government. I couldn't help but wonder what time they would arrive to determine the color assigned to me.

Looking up at the night sky, I felt a sense of connection to something greater than myself. It was in these moments of quiet solitude that my mind would wander. Thoughts intertwined with memories, and I couldn't help but reflect on the unique traits that made me who I am.

At times, I felt a sense of smallness, almost like a baby discovering the world. It was during these moments that I started to form a belief, a hunch about the color that might be assigned. With my height and the strong feeling of being little, a notion began to take shape in my mind – the possibility of a blue stone. If my intuition held true, I would be the fifth in my family to receive this blue stone.

But as my footsteps echoed through the quiet streets, there was a mixture of excitement and apprehension within me. No matter the color, this stone would become a part of my identity.

Yet, as I continued my journey, I reminded myself that a stone, regardless of its color, is just one aspect of my story. It doesn't define my worth or determine potential. It is merely a small piece of the puzzle that makes me who I am.

My mind wandered back to memories of previous birthdays and the joyous moments spent with my siblings, each with their own assigned stones. The array of colors had created a vibrant mosaic within our family, a testament to our uniqueness and diversity.

As the darkness enveloped the streets, the silence was shattered by a thunderous voice that echoed through the night. My heart skipped a beat as I spun around, my eyes widening in terror as I laid eyes upon the source of the sound. There, standing before me, was an otherworldly being—an alien guard adorned in armor that emitted an eerie, pulsating glow.

My gaze traveled upwards, and there I beheld a sight that sent shivers down my spine. This alien creature resembled a human, but its sheer size was incomprehensible. Towering over me at a staggering 20 feet, it appeared both intimidating and awe-inspiring. But what truly struck fear into my core were its eyes—burning with an intense, unearthly green glow that seemed to pierce through the darkness.

Beside the alien guard, a sleek vehicle hovered silently just above the ground, its advanced technology evident in its design. Its presence only amplified the ominous atmosphere, as I struggled to comprehend the reality unfolding before me.

Every instinct within me screamed to run, to escape this terrifying encounter. My mind raced with questions and fears. Before I could find my voice or make a desperate attempt to flee, the alien guard's gaze fixated upon me. It felt as though time stood still, freezing me in place as its piercing green eyes locked onto my trembling form. The weight of its intense scrutiny made me feel utterly exposed, vulnerable in its presence.

As the alien guard's mouth opened, I braced myself for an incomprehensible language or perhaps even a chilling threat. But to my surprise, its words came forth in a strangely recognizable dialect, as if it had adapted to communicate with humans.

"Be still, human," the alien guard's voice boomed, resonating with an otherworldly timbre. "You should not be out at this time come I'll get you home.

As I stood there, my mind clouded with uncertainty, With wide eyes and a heart filled with excitement, I made my way into the captivating vehicle. The alien's glowing armor and towering presence fascinated me, and I couldn't help but be in awe of the magical world unfolding before me. As I settled into the cozy car seat, feeling secure and snug with the straps holding me in place, a sense of anticipation bubbled up within me.

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