Chapter 8

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Alex's POV

Panic sets in as I wake up in a dark room again, unable to see anything. My tongue is pushing forward and around my mouth, tasting blood with every lick. But that's not the worst of it. All I can feel in my gums is the absence of teeth. When I try to stand up, my legs buckle under me. Terror grips me as I realize that my legs can't support any weight. Looking closer, I notice that my legs have been given some kind of surgery making me unable to walk. Panic sets in again, and I start to scream for help but there's no one around to hear me. The darkness and pain engulf me and I almost pass out when my own shouts fill the room.

I try to remember what happened and why I'm here, but my thoughts come up empty. All I feel right now is a terrible fear that something bad is happening to me.

But then I hear footsteps coming closer to the room, and a light appears from under the door frame. Then they unlock the door, flooding the room with light. I can see that there are people there now, but I can only recognize one of them, a man wearing a surgical mask. He steps closer and speaks to a women , explaining what treatment I have had and given time with a new family ill fall into headspace.

My heart races as I wonder what HeadSpace has in store for me. Suddenly, I am lifted off the ground and carried to a strange contraption - a baby change station. But this one is massive, big enough to fit me. I am strapped down by a woman who proceeds to change my diaper. I am terrified and start to scream, punching and kicking with all my might. But my legs feel weak and powerless. What is happening to me?

"Hey there, little one. Don't worry, I'm just preparing you for your journey to Babies, the Dream Auctioneers. It's a wonderful place where you'll meet your new parents." says the women in a sickly sweet voice.

Next thing I see is a golden buss I'm strapped into a baby seat trying to talk but nothing comes out again. What have the doctors done to me.

The bus comes to a stop in front of a grand building, and I am carried inside by the woman who changed my diaper. The interior is opulent, with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and plush carpets underfoot.

My heart, oh, it was pounding like a wild beast trapped in a cage, as I was snatched away and thrust into a wretched nursery, a prison of innocence. Oh, the terror that gripped my tiny frame as I was unceremoniously dumped into a cold, metal crib, its bars mocking my feeble attempts at escape. I clung desperately to my peculiar stuffed companion, a grotesque creature with the audacity to wear pants, a top, and a ghastly green hat. Its presence, though bizarre, was my sole solace in this forsaken realm. The air itself seemed to whisper malevolence, as if the very walls were conspiring against me. Fear, like a venomous serpent, coiled around my fragile soul, squeezing tighter with each passing moment. The weight of my isolation bore down upon me, suffocating any semblance of hope. Yet, amidst the suffocating darkness, a flicker of determination ignited within me. I knew, deep in the recesses of my trembling being, that I must summon the courage to confront the unknown horrors that awaited me.

As I jolted awake from my peaceful slumber, my heart raced with terror as I saw a strange woman looming over me. My hands trembled as I frantically rubbed my eyes, hoping that this was all just a nightmare. But as she lifted me out of my crib, my worst fears were confirmed. Her words sent shivers down my spine as she spoke of a new mommy, daddy, or both. My mind was clouded with confusion and dread, as I had no idea what was happening to me. The world around me seemed to spin out of control, and I was left feeling helpless and alone.

Oh, foolish one, do you not recall the nurse's words about the auction? A surge of terror, dread, and apprehension engulfed me all at once, leaving me paralyzed with fear.

She coos and soothes me, gently patting my back as she offers me formula to calm my trembling nerves. Once she finishes feeding me, she carries me to an unfamiliar area. As we walk, I notice rows of strollers in various colors.

Suddenly, a sense of unease grips my heart. What is happening? I am carefully secured into one of the strollers and pushed towards a door.

Clad only in a diaper, my heart races as a crowd of potential parents circle around me, discussing my features as if I were nothing more than a commodity. Desperately, I try to plead with them, begging them not to purchase me, but nothing escapes my lips but babbling.

"Welcome, everyone, to Babies, the Dream Auctioneers," announces a man with a booming voice. "Today, we have a very special babies up for auction. The little ones have been specially designed to meet all your parenting needs. Who will start the bidding?"

As the bidding war commences, countless other teenagers are sold off as infants, ranging from one to five years old, fetching exorbitant prices. I pray that no one desires me, but now that it is my turn, anxiety transforms into desperation as I realize I will be sold to the highest bidder. I can feel my spirit shattering and my sense of self slipping away.

My heart sinks as I realize what is happening. I am being sold to the highest bidder like a piece of property. I try to scream, but my voice is still silent. I am trapped, helpless, and at the mercy of these strangers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a warm welcome to Alex, a precious newborn." This adorable little baby boy is still unable to walk or feed himself. You have the opportunity to witness his growth and celebrate all his first milestones, or you can choose to keep him as a newborn forever. The decision is in your hands. Can I hear an offer of 5 million?"
6 million
8 million
15 million
25 million

Suddenly, a woman's voice echoed from the back of the room, bidding 45 million.
"Do we have any further bids for 45 million?" "Going once,"
"Going twice,"
"Sold to the lady in the back."

The deafening symphony of noise engulfed me, an overwhelming chorus of clashing sounds that seemed to penetrate every fiber of my being. I found myself trapped in this confining stroller, stripped of my dignity, dressed in nothing more than a diaper. It was as if I had become a mere pawn in the game of consumerism, a helpless infant being marketed to the masses.

As the cacophony intensified, my senses were assaulted from all directions. The blaring advertisements, the incessant chatter of shoppers, and the shrill cries of other children merged into a dissonant melody that threatened to shatter my fragile innocence. Each sound reverberated through my ears, echoing in my mind like a haunting refrain.

The word "sold" echoed relentlessly, a haunting reminder of my commodification. It whispered in my ears, a constant reminder of my worth reduced to a mere transaction. I felt the weight of this word pressing down on me, suffocating my spirit, as if I were nothing more than a product to be bought and sold.

In this sea of noise and consumerism, I felt a profound sense of loss. The innocence that once defined me was slowly eroding, replaced by a deep sorrow that welled up within me. I longed to break free from this stroller, to escape the clutches of this manufactured reality and reclaim my identity as a child, untainted by the relentless pursuit of profit.

And so, I wept. Tears streamed down my face, mingling with the droplets of innocence that still clung to my cheeks. Each sob was a desperate plea, a cry for liberation from the chains of this manufactured world. In my tears, I hoped to wash away the stain of consumerism, to reclaim my true self and find solace in the purity of childhood once more.

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